MovieChat Forums > Carrie (2013) Discussion > Wow! This Carrie rocks!

Wow! This Carrie rocks!

As for the original I am sick of hearing people try to compare this version to that one! To me the 1976 version is so distorted and full of stiff movements and 70 style acting that I never even thought of it again except in the category of the old bad effects horror! The same goes for the shinning. Just because the old generation love those kind of horrors best doesn't mean the younger generation agree!

By all accounts, Chloe Mortez film beats the 1976 and 2002 Carrie by spades as she captured the rage and anger of Carrie(just watch the part where she screams,throwing everyone back, releasing all the pent up anger)while the 1976 and 2002 version turned her into an emotional less gargolyte while she's destroying. Both never capture her rage as this version did!

The old movie is only rated higher because it was the first of its type to emerge and it has garnered a lot of old fans, therefore ruining any remake that could emerge. I notice that really is the case with a lot of new remakes. If the first version is well loved than the first versions fans will come to the remake looking to pick flaws because they'll continue to pit it against the original


People of all ages like the original cause it was put together well. This remake is a mess and with nonstop bad acting from everyone, mainly Chloe.


People of all ages aren't factoring in the like for the original as it already has locked down a huge audience from years passed. Most young people now can't stomach to watch the bad effects, 1976 style acting and outdated look, stiff actor movements etc. Chloe easily claims the title in displaying the anger and rage of Carrie as opposed to the older gargolyte-like actor's movements and expression. Just seeing her face freeze up and lock into that maniac frozen look was a trial to watch, not at all revealing the very angry,pupils dilating eyes Chloe brought into the scene.


Most young people can't stomach the original version? That's news to me. I see lots of young people say the original is way better than this remake.


perception my dear. They naturally gravitate toward the movie that has already stolen the spotlight, and is the favorite of their parents. Most people don't even pay attention to remake because the first thing that comes to mind is the popular original sense the remake is rarely talked about


No one talks about the remake cause there was nothing good to talk about.


No, they don't talk about the remake because like most remakes, it didn't get popular because the old one is already a fan favorite lol


Which is as it should be. You're wrong that young people can't stand the orginal.

That's how you view movies, ok that's fine. So anything old and not full of CGI is lame?


Firstly, If you bothered to notice, CGI is all is in these popular new movies(to the teeth!)yet no one makes little silly claims like "oh, look at the CGI!" over them! No, they just do that on movies they dislike and movies they have biases for the original versions over!

And finally, It's not just me, as I stopped watching those outdated popular flicks like 1976 Carrie, the shinning,etc years ago when almost everyone I know" you playing those old things again?"


Well that's you, and you are the minority with this opinion. Many view the original Carrie as a masterpiece of cinema, and when a film is a masterpiece time does not diminish its status.

Sissy Spacek seemed like a real teen in that film, and her problems seemed real. I don't find the acting as aged badly at all. On that note, the acting was not the problem with the new movie.

The only criticism you've given the original is that it's old. This is not a criticism.


Sissy speck looked like no teen and more like a woman! Choloe is the one who pulled off the enraged teenager role completely! Chloes problems seemed more real than sissy as she had to play the role of an awkward girl who can't communicate with her peers due to her mother's sicko influence. And as for the minority with this opinion, a lot of people I know haven't even heard of, much let seen the new carrie and they're familiar with only the first one so it comes as a surprise to them that there was a remake. So no minority at all really, only a vast ignorance.


Chloe looked like an 8th grader and her acting was terrible.


No, she looked like a sixteen-seventeen year old. Same age as carrie. So stop the unreasonable hate


Well, boys in your age group probably like this movie, the 12-15 age group.


her acting was terrible-she peaked in Kick Ass


Your description of why Chloe's performance was so good is exactly how I'd praise Spacek's performance. Obviously we are not going to agree on this. Maybe neither of us is right or wrong.


Ok, I can accept the compromise. Everyone has their own opinions after all




youre completely high and stupid and most likely younger than 20-get a clue-Carrie 76 is a masterpiece of horror per EVERYONE


No, its not. And that's why I hear a lot of young people today say that the old carrie just looks fake and contrived


So they like the remake better, they just dont realize it? How silly. Are you trolling or being stupid?

Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.


Did I say that? No, only a stupid troll would think I said that. You have just shown that you're a liar as you obviously read nothing of my original post. You think I didn't notice how you tried to put words in my mouth make me say something I never said? Go home!


Give me a break. I read the silly garbage you wrote. You first state "most young people now can't stomach to watch the bad effects" and when told but many "young" people actually liked the original better you then change your tune and say well, "they naturally gravitate toward the movie that has already stolen the spotlight, and is the favorite of their parents". Well which is it exactly? Do they hate the original or do they favor it because their parents bias them against it? What a ridiculous statement. I dont think you know many teens if you think they always follow along what their parents think about stuff. Generally its the opposite. But this is one example where young and old tend to agree (which by the way is proven in the rating demographics for the two movies. just look them up yourself). So the conclusion is EVEN kids born long after the original appreciate the original more because the remake isnt as entertaining to them despite your silly laughable theories about "stiff 70s style movements" whatever that means. They also think hollywood beauty Moretz was not as effective in this role as awkward looking unknown Spacek was. So sit down and shut up. At least I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you may have been trolling for laughs. But I guess you were actually serious and are actually stupid enough to make a post like this.

Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.


No they don't. Most I meet barely know that old movie other than "was that movie about the girl who killed her school?" Most of time its "Its too far back in the 70s for me!" You must be the one who doesn't know anything. You look pretty old anyway by your profile pic choice but I won't judge if you are or not.

You also took selective things I said out of context and didn't mention the crucial points I said.

That 1. I noticed movies that were made long ago(and which usually came as a major hit or first time in its subject material)always have a big audience have huge ratings,no matter how "not that good" it would be considered today. After comparing the pattern, I realized it was because it was a major hit in its day most of the middle age and old fans who saw it in the 1990s and 80s still stubornly rate it as the best, no matter how good the remake may top it.

That 2.This stifle the growth anything else. Take for example. Everyone thought the shinning was so spooky but now everyone I've talked to doesn't think its that good at all compared to some of the worst horrors that have emerged. And guess what?. Its still labeled one of the top scariest films. Why? Because its older viewers have shaped its ratings to this day. Same as with Carrie.

So you shut it.


Ha ha! Im no Marty Feldman. Although the fact that you assume that’s my picture says a lot about the usefulness of your thoughts about “old” movies. Glad Im not hampered like you to only like movies (and I assume music, books, etc.) from one small era. You sure are missing a lot of good stuff with that close minded thinking. The fact that you value art based on when it was made makes your opinion useless. Good is good is good. No matter when it was made.

No they don't.

Hm well then lets look at the numbers themselves eh? According to IMDB, kids aged under 18 (today…) gave the original version a 7.7 rating. The same age group give the 2013 remake a 6.7. So how does that hold with your theory that kids prefer the newer version to the older because theres less “stiff acting” or something? Im curious how you explain why the original gets better scores by KIDS then the remake. What was your theory on that again? Oh yes!

I noticed movies that were made long ago(and which usually came as a major hit or first time in its subject material)always have a big audience have huge ratings,no matter how "not that good" it would be considered today. After comparing the pattern, I realized it was because it was a major hit in its day most of the middle age and old fans who saw it in the 1990s and 80s still stubornly rate it as the best, no matter how good the remake may top it.

Well then according to this logic we should see the “old” folks rating the original high while the young kids would show by their rating that they prefer the remake. Right? So what do we see exactly… Well we already know the under 18 crowd gave this original a 7.7 So what did the older folks rate it? A 9? 9.5? No… those viewers 45 and over rated the original a 7.5. A 7.5! I believe that’s LOWER than 7.7 right? So kids have rated the original HIGHER then their parents did! It seems the kids liked both more then their parents liked either.

So much for your theory…

And by the way, just for the record, if you were first watching the original in the 1990’s you were watching it almost full generation after it came out. Those are the kids of the oldest original kids who saw it. So not sure why you lump them in with their parents but don’t do the same for current teens.

Everyone thought the shinning was so spooky but now everyone I've talked to doesn't think its that good at all compared to some of the worst horrors that have emerged.

Im genuinely curious, if you think The Shining is worse then some of the “worst” horror movies of today then what horror movies do you think are actually good? What horror movies do you think are actually scariest?
And guess what?. Its still labeled one of the top scariest films. Why?

Because it is.

Because its older viewers have shaped its ratings to this day. Same as with Carrie.

Well once again when you look at the numbers you find that teens (8.7) actually rate The Shining HIGHER then their parents do (8.3). Go ahead and look it up. It seems the only thing you’ve proved is that older people tend to be more conservative about ratings then teens. But that there is definitely NO correlation between age and era. At least for these movies. Teens across the board liked the older versions more then their parents did. Imagine that…

Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.


JHow about this. I don't see anything of the sort of about your kids ratings of these shows. So since I don't see it, I'm not just going to take your word at face value. You better show me some proof or else you're done for.


No problem: for the original for the new one

Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.


Old Carrie

Votes Average
Males 75443 7.3
Females 23353 7.5
Aged under 18 733 7.7
Males under 18 445 7.7
Females under 18 283 7.6
Aged 18-29 39682 7.4
Males Aged 18-29 27613 7.4
Females Aged 18-29 11802 7.4
Aged 30-44 43564 7.3
Males Aged 30-44 34939 7.3
Females Aged 30-44 8157 7.5
Aged 45+ 12949 7.5
Males Aged 45+ 10443 7.4
Females Aged 45+ 2346 7.7
IMDb staff 20 7.9
Top 1000 voters 824 7.4
US users 30968 7.5
Non-US users 55339 7.3

IMDb users 118059 7.4

New Carrie

Votes Average
Males 63614 5.9
Females 22927 6.0
Aged under 18 1888 6.7
Males under 18 903 6.6
Females under 18 974 6.7
Aged 18-29 47287 6.0
Males Aged 18-29 32401 6.0
Females Aged 18-29 14413 6.0
Aged 30-44 27726 5.8
Males Aged 30-44 22520 5.8
Females Aged 30-44 4847 5.9
Aged 45+ 5187 5.9
Males Aged 45+ 4023 5.9
Females Aged 45+ 1070 6.1
IMDb staff 11 6.6
Top 1000 voters 414 5.3
US users 15403 6.1
Non-US users 48002 5.8

IMDb users 100555 6.0

Okay. So I'm looking at the two charts here: And I've come to a conclusion.

1. The new carries has 1,888 votes sent by voters under the age of 18 who voted it 6.7. The old carries has only 733 votes sent by voters under the age 18 who vote it 7.7. One conclusion I could draw on these calculations is to note the number of votes for new carrie has been voted 1,155 more times than the old carrie's 733 time votes. That could mean that those who watched the new carrie cared enough to vote more for it than those who watched the old.

Thus the new one has 1,155 more votes. In other words, though the old carrie had a higher ratings, it didn't get that many votes from the under 18 category. Hmm. Infact I noticed that most of the amount of votes came from the 30-44(middle aged group), probably the main watchers of the old carrie. Exactly like I thought. More of the middle age group(or toward middle age) love the old carrie.

Then I took a closer look at the new carrie and I see that the most of the percentage of its lower ratings comes from that older category. Hmm. I wonder if there's a pattern here. But I'll leave that for you.

2. The second observation I made was I don't have any proof that most of these ratings aren't old ratings from viewers who younger at the time of the old carrie but more in their middle ages now at the time of the new carrie. If I find such is the case, then it will mean that most of the bad ratings came from old viewers(who were younger in early 2000s and 1990s) and the good ratings came from the younger generation of the new carrie watchers who vote more for it, giving it its 1,155 more votes. But lest ratings.

3. The third observation is simply that because the new carrie only just came out in 2013, and because its predecessor dominates the name Carrie, and because people natural distain remakes of their old favored films, not many young people who voted in the mid 2000s, early 2000s, and the 90's have even seen this new Carrie, as there has been 3 movies made on Carrie. I know this because when I look on youtube at videos of the new carrie, I see a lot of "Oh this looks interesting! I didn't even know they made another!" Or"I thought the only remake was the 2002 version?"

So with all this taken in consideration, I've arrived at the conclusion that you have not only strengthened my resolve; you've all also given me an important piece of info to share with other's who are puzzled at the popularity of the predecessor.


Well surely your logic is dizzying…

But feel free to twist yourself into as many knots as you like trying to force the data to fit your narrative. Im not trying to stop you. Just be aware you look silly to most people who have some basic knowledge of statistics and film (and English).

As for your three points, note that the new Carrie getting more teen votes makes perfect sense since those kids would have been able to see the new one in the theater in 2013 but never saw the old one in the theater. So in order to see it they would have had to go out of their way to rent it or buy it or borrow it from someone. Thus less views. Either way, both numbers are statistically significant so this is largely irrelevant. The real statistic you want is the measure of how kids who saw the remake and rated it highly scored the original. All we know is a population of <18 year olds rated one movie one way and another population of <18 year olds rated the other movie the other way. We don’t know the overlap of the two groups. IMDB might have these figures but they don’t post them.

And it doesn’t really matter that the older groups score the new Carrie lower than the teens do. The teens STILL score it 6.7 which is lower than 7.7. So teens seem to agree that the older Carrie is better than the new Carrie. Im not sure how you can interpret that any other way.

IMDB has only been around for (technically) 20 years and for a lot of that they didn’t have the sophisticated tracking system they now have for rating movies (and hasn’t had the universe of phones and devices and uncounted millions online able to access the site to vote for even 10 years). So theres no way someone who was a teen when the original came out (or was a teen in the 90’s or early 2000’s even) would have voted then. So all those teens that voted the original a 7.7 are AT BEST barely in their mid 20’s if they are even over 18 yet. Course none of that matters because the point is they were TEENS when they rated it and how is a teen from 2005 fundamentally different then a teen from 2015?

not many young people who voted in the mid 2000s, early 2000s, and the 90's have even seen this new Carrie, as there has been 3 movies made on Carrie.

Im not sure how this matters since those teens who DID see the 2013 Carrie rated it lower then the teens that saw the original. You have to base your conclusions on the data you have not on what you think might be but hasn’t been recorded. You cant somehow anticipate a wave of higher scores from people who just haven’t bothered to vote yet. The ratio of votes are going to generally always represent the greater population. Its wrong headed to assume only people who favor one movie will vote. Statistically that just doesn’t happen.

So again, all we know is teens score the original higher then the remake. That the populations aren’t identical is irrelevant. And what cross over there is between the two groups is unknown. But the only conclusion you can draw is kids think the original is better.

Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.


Can tell me when IMDB rating system came into being? Because Remember, the new carrie just came out two years ago.

2. It does matter because it means that the kids of that day(the 70s)were seeing for the first time a film graphically despicting a highschool student killing her class mates. So it was new to its kind, therefore getting a lot of ratings. Even past the 21st century, people only Know about this one. Why didn't you get my point? I know because I see how many people don't even know the new one exists!

As for the teens rating the new carrie lower, the teens in the earlier part of the 21st century rated it so high because it was the only movie of its kind they were familiar with. When a movie stands out in its genre and it has good enough acting and an interesting, not usually-told-storyline, it usually garners a alot of votes. I've noticed that pattern for years.

As for why the new one is rated lower has everything to do with it is largely unheard of compared to its predecessor, and because its a remake, which tend to turn viewers away in itself as the popular image of remakes are "crappy"things that can't equal the original.

And don't try to refute it either as I've seen comments mentioning the same on countless movie rating sites.

So again, no great mystery at all.


You talk like you speak for all the teens across the world.


No, I talk by what I notice on social media and the internet.


So do I, and 85% of the people I see on the internet prefer the original Carrie.


And, like I told the other guy, that same 85% i see on youtube, are totally clueless about the new carrie even being out until they see it on video clips


I doubt 85% of people on the internet were unaware of a remake.


Yep, apparently. I mean I see it all the time. "What's this carrrie? I didn't know there was a sequel." Or "I thought the 2002 was the only remake".




I was so busy wondering how Chloe did so bad, I forgot the main reason I truly almost turned it off was others who were even worse. Maybe they filmed it in some area contaminated with something in the air.


I bet you did. You know, the saying, "someone who's contaminated will always try to look for contamination elsewhere because he doesn't want to face his inner demons."


This and the 2002 versions are way better than the original. And Sissy Spacek is Just not good. Angela and Chloe are spot on.


The original and the best....

although I like this one too
the 2002 version I saw once it was decent
never have i ever bothered with the originals sequel.


To OP. Believe what you will but Boxofficemojo (commercial success), Rottentomatoes (professional movie critics) and Imdb (public) opinion all believe the original is superior.

So you can only speak for yourself.

You my good sir/miss are either a poe or somebody genuinely detached from humanity and a philistine to boot.


Rotten tomatoes call almost anything(rotten)good. Again, I already explained all this about the box office and everything. So I don't care to expound further. Look up my explanation if you're curious.



I agree 100% on everything but one thing. This and the 2002 film beat the original. The 2002 was wonderful.


your name makes us question all of your opinions-Stewart is poo


As a young person I can say I'm not bus towards the original because it was first lol I just prefer it. The 1976 original is haunting and legitimately scares me. I was scared to go to prom after seeing it. I felt bad for Carrie and wanted her to get her revenge. This Carrie was "okay" but it didn't surpass any part of the original IMO besides maybe Chris' death which was very much more climactic. Chloe's portrayal of Carrie is questionable- I like her as an actress a lot but I personally just couldn't picture her playing this character. It's not her fault because she DOES have the acting chops I think, but she's so beautiful and that's not her fault that it Took me out of the movie. The original film was also more devastating to me and just an overall more horrifying experience.
