MovieChat Forums > Carrie (2013) Discussion > Extended Director´s cut !!!

Extended Director´s cut !!!

There is a petition for an extended director´s cut.It can be found in There the original movie will be shown and all questions regarding the movie answered. Please help.






Hello No. I work at a studio-we dont do directors cuts of bad movies for a few fans


I don't believe the directors cut will happen anymore.


"#MindBlown" - Piper Shaw


It's fake

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


Then explain the White Commission (which was filmed and there is proof), the camera guy's video footage (there is proof), "Wipe that smile off your face" (there is proof), an extended locker room scene (there is proof), the mean girls teasing Carrie (Roberto confirmed it), a scene with Carrie and Chris outside of the dress shop (filmed), Miss Desjardan talking to Carrie at prom (filmed), extended prom footage (shown in the B-roll), and alternate endings which have to be real because the person who posted the alternate endings posted them after the film was made and included the birth ending, which was not even discussed about until the DVD/Blu-Ray was released.

Stuff like the town destruction may not be real but just because you don't like this movie doesn't mean you can address everything off as fake without giving a single explanation besides "everyone behind the film is a liar."


Show me proof that this stuff is real. And the extended prom footage is in deleted scenes and the one deleted ending is on the DvD.

And how about the fact the writer, cast, and crew have all said that Kimberly chose to make it a clone of the original?

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


If they said that It's fake! They want to work again. The studio stipulated what their story was going to be.

There are still images of the scenes listed. They were obviously shot. There's an actress who says her entire part on the editing floor. There are cast members listed on the IMDB page who no longer appear in the film (they're listed as "uncredited.")

I know how much you despise this film, but this effort to discourage the petition really comes close to willful blindness or ingenuousness. People have actually called the studio to inquire about an extended cut. I've done it myself. The studio has said the marketing department is thinking about it. They've never denied the possibility.


. And the extended prom footage is in deleted scenes and the one deleted ending is on the DvD.

It's on the Blu-Ray, but whatever. I still don't get what you said. There is more prom footage and the one deleted ending with Sue giving birth is on the Blu-Ray. However, there are more endings.

That was posted in October 2013, a few days after the film came out. He talked about the rain of stones opening and the birth ending. How would he know about that footage when they weren't discussed in any interviews or such? That means there are other alternate endings.

Wipe That Smile Off Your Face is at 2:08.

Extended Prom Footage is also at 16:30 on that video. There is also extended prolonged shots of Carrie's blood raising up on her arm, students running to the door, and the lights flickering all shown in the teaser trailer. Since those were 1 second shots, it wouldn't surprise me that they weren't in the film but it still is extended footage.

Since I'm too lazy to upload screen caps and link them here, this shows photos of Carrie and Chris at the dress-shop, Carrie and Ms. Desjardan at prom, Connor Price (camera geek) saying his footage was cut, and screencaps talking about the White Commission (Michele played Estelle and her footage was supposed to be inter-cut with the rain of stones. If you watch the scene, you can see some obvious cuts.) There is also Twitter screencaps of Heather (the girl who got killed in the glass door) saying there was a scene with her and the mean girls that got cut. n-if-youve-seen-it.html

Chloe also said the town destruction was filmed but most of it was the aerial shot in the film. I'm pretty sure most of the footage we saw was for the teaser trailer. 4_925638510784177_7480860339828646520_n.jpg?oh=aff7b139453e32f95989c10 1d8e1520a&oe=550042B2&__gda__=1426839923_796d2351ff608fa438258 6e9897d1ce9

And how about the fact the writer, cast, and crew have all said that Kimberly chose to make it a clone of the original?

Roberto only said that, not the cast and crew. Try again.



Still waiting for a response. I guess Carrie's impact was too much for you.

Sign the petition everyone!


I just signed it.

They better do it!! I can't believe the director deleted all those scenes.


Unfortunately, Kimberly Pierce did not have the freedom Brian De Palma did. The early to mid-70s were the age when directors controlled the projects. Carrie 1976 was a great example of that.

That age ended with the disaster of Heaven's Gate.

No, if they say the decision was Kimberly Pierce's (and switching scripts is never, ever a director's decision now with a studio picture; directors work by hire now) it's because studio PR sat down with the actors or their agents and stipulated to them what story they were going to tell.



The producer might have called Pierce in and stipulated that, due to the bad test screenings, she must make changes on less than $10 million, and told her the studio didn't care how she did it, and so they gave her free reign on how to finish it cheap. The problem seems to have been disappointing test screenings, since they definitely got to that point and had a "Stop Everything" reaction.

The 1976 film was cheap. Brian De Palma brought it in at $1.8 million, which is easily below $10 million in today's dollars. Lawrence Cohen is retired, so they could get script at a fire-sale price, or probably already owned the rights. Moretz and Moore were still under contract.

No offense meant to Aguirre-Sacasa, but he does want to sell another screenplay in his lifetime. He doesn't want to embarrass or piss off a studio. The bad feelings might spread to other studios.

He likely told the truth, but just not why Pierce was given a choice like that to make. She wasn't on an indy project. She was hired to make this film, and her employers already had a screenplay. She either had to justify it to them, or that was a solution to a problem they dumped in her lap.

I'll have to look up his FB. Now I'm fascinated.


I thought the test screenings went really well...


But they weren't the same movie. So they didn't go that well by Screen Gems' standards, anyway.


It's probably going to come out near Halloween.


It won't improve the movie any.


Yes it would. It would make us see the movie from another perspective, more like the novel.


Yes it will. The alternate endings sound so much better than the two awful ones we got and stuff like The White Commission and the extra character development will make the movie even better.



12.000 signatures achieved. Please help.



13.000 signatures!!! Please help the petition is at Please tell others it exists. Let´s achieve the original vision of Carrie!



Ha, ha.
