MovieChat Forums > Carrie (2013) Discussion > Remake EXACTLY LIKE THE NOVEL?


So, I just finished watching this film. Other than thinking how over acted Chloe Grace was, it was a MEH film.
But then I read the novel and the novel was amazing.
I don't recall the EXACT number but let's say the novel is around 220 pages... SO:
How can you not take a 220 page novel and make it into like a 2 hour movie?

This film could be a straight novel to film adaptation.

Would you guys rather see Carrie run out of prom in the film and then return?

Would you guys like to see the novel ending on screen ? With Sue realizing she has had a miss carriage ?


Would you guys rather see Carrie run out of prom in the film and then return?

No actress in today's Hollywood would play Carrie as described in the book: fat, with greasy hair and zits. Look at Sissy Spacek and Chloe. Spacek at least looked like a frightened teen. Moretz looked like a popular girl putting on an act.


She doesn't have to look like Carrie in the novel.
In a collectors edition of the novel all the drawings of Carrie show her as a skinny young girl.

I'm just saying it should be possible to take a 230 page novel and make a straight adaptation.


I've heard that this film is relatively closer to the novel than the 1976 one, and that the 2002 telefilm is in a way closer but adds more content and changes the ending.

It's difficult to totally adapt a book as some things have to be cut out.


> the 2002 telefilm ... changes the ending.


I haven't seen the 2013 version yet, does that one follow the ending of the book? i.e. after leaving the prom, Carrie attacks the entire town and leaves over 400 dead before finally going home to confront her mother?

EDIT: Watched it over the weekend... nope.


I would have at least liked to see Carrie die onscreen the way she did in the book. But sadly, I don’t think we are ever going to get that - Hollywood is just too focused on what they think will make money and not on being creative.
