Pornographic trash

Don't buy it folks, this is porno trash, and yet another example of how porn is being 'normalised.' There is nothing 'normal' about is one of the most sick and nefarious 'industries' in the world. Nothing good has ever come from it.


Please humor me on what's so arousing about the Fibonacci sequence or how the different notes of music created Bach's harmonies or Zeno's Paradox. Or the ten minute scene of Uma Thurman laying into her husband, his lover and her next appointment while making a spectacle of herself in front of their children. Or even better, what part in the second half of the movie when Joe performs an abortion on herself with knitting needles and a wire hanger am I supposed to find erotic?

If you genuinely thought "Nymph()maniac" was meant to be pornographic, you're just lost. What the audience expected this to be are all the victims of the biggest joke Lars von Trier's pulled in his thirty year stint as one of Denmark's leading filmmakers. What those who were in on the joke got was a very raw and deeply personal look at human sexuality and how every facet of classical culture (art, literature, music, etc.) could be influenced or influential to it. Hell, anyone who has even a base knowledge of who von Trier is as a filmmaker would know in advance that this is as erotic as Alain Resnais' documentary "Night and Fog" (meaning it is so damn un-erotic, it's almost disturbing).

Pornography is meant to be sexually stimulating to the viewer. In the entire five and a half hours "Nymph()maniac" unfolds, there is nothing even remotely sexy about it. Cerebrally stimulating, on the other hand, in spades.


"If you genuinely thought "Nymph()maniac" was meant to be pornographic, you're just lost."

DUH... it has hardcore scenes in it, that is pornography.


Perhaps you're confused because it is definitely an adult movie. Watch it again in a decade or two, after you've grown up and had a bit of mind-opening life experience.


are you one of those religious freaks who think sex is sin. Please grow up, 12 years olds shouldn't watch porn anyways


yet another example of how porn is being 'normalised.' There is nothing 'normal' about is one of the most sick and nefarious 'industries' in the world. Nothing good has ever come from it.

Couldnt agree more yet fuqkin hollywood leftist would say this isnt fuqking porn its arts sake ...Thats how fuqkin dense and retarded they all are they are all a bunch of children who havent reached the maturity of and adult to deal with sex in a professional and mature way .So idiots like LVT are able to be succesful because of these idiot leftists whos sexual maturity is that of a pre teen whos only understanding of sex is what theyve seen in pornography .secondly LVT isnt professional or talented enough to not show sex in such a graphic nature .A truly talented film maker wouldnt have ot show all that and truly talented first rate actors wouldnt have to stoop to such a low .Its funny the only actors that participated in this crap are actors whos careers are washed up .No one with any truly great talent acting in this film because no self respectin great actor would touch it with a 10 ft pole its garbage

character is habitual action, we are what we do habitually.


Well, I'm sure Lars von Trier is sorry he couldn't make a film for you as subtle as "John Wick" and "Entourage".
