LVT's movies
First off, I'm a huge fan. He's hands down my favorite director and I adore everything he's done. As a female, I also must admit I'd gladly put up with the abuse he supposedly doles out to his actresses for the chance to work with him.
That being said, I want to ask fellow fans (if you don't like his work the question isn't for you)- do you feel comfortable recommending his movies to other people? I know one other person that I recommend his films to. One.
I love talking about his work with other people but it's weird because I can't in good conscience tell someone they should see his stuff. I enjoy it immensely but it's incredibly exhausting and draining. I think Antichrist was brilliant, as was this one and Dogville, Breaking the Waves, Melancholia, The Idiots...but don't think I could ever give any of those a second viewing.
It's like I'm an alcoholic and I am happy AA is there so I can talk about my experience with people who understand, but I wouldn't want to go creating alcoholics just to have more people with that in common with me.
Anyone feel me on this?