Get Past the Sex and There is a Good Movie Here (Vol I, Director's Cut)
If you are offended by graphic sex and nudity, then this movie is not for you.
However, if you are interested in a dark, brooding, character-driven story and can excuse the gratuitous nudity and sexual situations (and they are very gratuitous), then you will enjoy this film. Ironically, the main character, played by Charlotte Gainsborg, isn't even the most compelling character. Heck, she's not even the most compelling actress playing Joe. Stacy Martin plays Joe as a teenager and 20 something, and she does an amazing job of showing Joe's transformation during her formative years. There are some amazing performances by Christian Slater and Uma Thurman that just grabbed me. Slater as Joe's father is both loving and tragic and his scenes in the hospital are heartrending. (I wish there had been more scenes involving Joe and her parents because I believe it would have given more weight to the character.) Thurman's cameo as the wife of one of Joe's sexual partners is just shocking in its awkwardness. Parading her children around in front of their father and his mistress (Joe) was really harsh and Uma played the wife as both angry and pathetic. I've never been a real fan of hers, but she does some top-notch acting here. Stellan Skarsgard's character doesn't have much to do but listen to Joe and throw out some pearls of wisdom. The actor is wasted, but he does lend some gravitas to the proceedings. Even Shai LaBeouf, who I can barely tolerate, does a pretty good job here as the one man in Joe's life who she actually thinks she could care for.
I understand people's aversion to the sex and their discomfort with it. If you believe this is porn, then I guess for you, it is. No one can really say what is and isn't porn since we all have our individual views on sexuality (even the Supreme Court has struggled with this definition.) Personally, I think the sex and nudity actually detracted from the overall message. There is a really good story and I think it gets lost in the controversy over the explicitness of the sex. If you can't accept that a nymphomaniac is going to have a lot of degrading and humiliating sexual situations, then avoid the film because you are missing the forest for the trees. Sex can be loving, it can be embarrassing, and it can be degrading. No one goes through life without at least one really bad sexual experience. Nymphomanic depicts these realities in stark, unwavering contrast. Its a punch in the gut, but it is part of Joe's story and we would not appreciate her journey without it.
My memory foam pillow says it can't remember my face. I can tell its lying.