MovieChat Forums > Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2014) Discussion > Uma Thurman's character and her kids at ...

Uma Thurman's character and her kids at Joe's place - was it real?

Who else thought this scene played out in an incredibly unrealistic way. I would have expected either Joe or her fiancée to step in and tell the wife to leave. Nothing happens and on top of it, the next lover joins them on the table.

I attribute this to Joe being an unreliable narrator and trying to tease Seligman. But that begs the question, what else of her story is rather fiction than reality?

Last movie watched: Nymphomaniac: Vol. II (6/10) - theatrical cut


All of Joe's stories beg the question of how much were real, how many were embellished and how many were to get a rise out of Seligman.

The story with Mrs. H probably was one of the embellished ones, but on the other hand, with how merciless she was, the other people in the apartment could have been too shocked by her to calm her down.


It would be a foolish person indeed to try and interfere with a woman in that situation. You'd be dealing with a force of nature.


I hope it wasn't completely real, I mean it was cringe-worthy, not the acting, but the situation. I mean she utterly destroyed this family, and didn't even seem to regret it.

Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not.


I attribute this to Joe being an unreliable narrator and trying to tease Seligman. But that begs the question, what else of her story is rather fiction than reality?

Well, the implication is that nearly everything is invented. All of Joe's stories are inspired by items in Seligman's room. It's possible that the entire film is constructed, which would explain Joe's "transfiguration" (acting out of character) when she (SPOILER for VOL. 2) reacts violently to Seligman's advances.


Dont know if it was all true or not but I dont think it really matters. That scene was simply out of control. Its almost like von Trier was trying to give us a one person play staring Uma Thurman in the middle of this movie where she shows this great range of emotion and acting and the other actors in the movie just kind of watch... along with the audience... So in effect they are sharing our space as audience with us but on screen! It blew my mind. I wasnt sure if I should be laughing hysterically or cringing in horror so I kind of ended up doing both. I kept running different scenarios in my mind trying to explain what I was seeing. At first I thought it was some kind of trick. Maybe Mr. H had put them up to this to freak Joe out and put off any other guy from getting involved with her. But then it became clear it was actually what it seemed to be. That scene at the table was simply hysterical in the most excruciating way possible.

Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.


it was one of the best scenes, in my opinion.


You haven't noticed yet? Few scenes in any von Trier film resemble anything even close to reality at all. All his films are very fanciful, mostly pointless, and are intended to shock and get his name and film in the press. This isn't obvious to you?

My body's a cage, it's been used and abused...and I...LIKE IT!!


It's just one eery flashback sticking out from an otherwise realistic narration, something I haven't' seen in other von Trier films. He usually is pretty consistent with what kind of reality he depicts.


LMAO, right.

My body's a cage, it's been used and abused...and I...LIKE IT!!
