He is an example of the worst of the movie making profession. He is nothing but a pretentious, fat old man who gets off exploiting young actresses. the The critics who enable this hack shouldn't be able to live with themselves.
Well, clearly, Kirsten Olesen, Emily Watson, Bodil Jorgensen, Bjork, Nicole Kidman, Bryce Dallas Howard, Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg (most of whom are far from "young") clearly don't mind being "exploited", as you so callously put it, given the universal acclaim and career opportunities he's given them as actresses. Thankfully, how cinema works isn't dependent on the views of IMDb users.
Also, what is it with the morons on IMDb who think that just because a penis is shown entering a vagina on camera, it's meant to be pornographic? Do you think videos of babies being born is pornographic because it features a dilating vagina? Or what about anatomical studies of male genitalia? I don't know who in their right mind would actually think von Trier directs porn as a video of a college aged young woman sticking a hot dog inside the center of a donut is "sexier" than half of the sex scenes being shown in "Nymph()maniac", "Antichrist" and "The Idiots".
Right. I suppose your the kind of guy who bought Playboy for the articles. Actually you are the kind of pretentious enabler that allows him to have a career. It's all just a coincidence that he keeps showing explicit sex in almost all of his movies. Does the term one trick pony ring a bell? As to your claim that he is giving these actresses a great opportunity. Charlotte Gainsbourg, Emily Watson, Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst all where famous long before they ever met him. The girl who played the younger version of Charlotte's part has taken three years to get any further rolls and Goth has had even less success in her career. Oh and on what planet does term universal acclaim ever applied to one of his films? I do have to admit most people, including me, think that that explicit oral, anal and vaginal intercourse is in fact the very definition of pornography. There are other ways to make all of the same points about human sexuality. On the same note, showing childbirth is the least sexual thing imaginable. The cinema industry actually works like every other business. Whoever makes the most money wins. On that basis, movies like Jurassic Park show Lars to be a very small player with delusions of being a great artist.
The cinema industry actually works like every other business. Whoever makes the most money wins. On that basis, movies like Jurassic Park show Lars to be a very small player with delusions of being a great artist.
There is a lot more to cinema and film than big block buster tent pole films.
Just as there are a lot more places to each than McDonalds and Taco Bell. You can go to japanese, thai, indian and if you have a limited palette but feel like splurging you can also find gourmet burger and mexican restaurants. These restaurants continue to stay in business just as do McDonals and Taco Bell and does not make them any less successful or tasty places to eat.
So back to film. The audiences for Tranformers or Superman Batman or Julia Roberts or Adam Sandler comedies is not going to be the same audiences for Von Tier's films. You can't even begin to try to compare then in terms of success.
The explicit sexual acts in the film are very much a part of the film and they are done to further engulf the audience into the complex psyche of the characters.
It's fascinating that people obsess over the explicit sexual scenes but they ignore the other more important scenes in the film such as the story and relationship between the daughter (Gainsboroung) and father and mother or the religious revelation scene?
I don't get why some people ever wasted their time to bother to watch this film when they knew what they were in for? If you wanted porn, it's very easy and cheaper to get access to any porn that suits your own fancy -- you don't need to seek out a 3 hour art film to get your fix from brief 10 to 20 second sequences and cuts.
Can this really be the end..to be stuck inside of mobile with the Memphis blues again.
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These restaurants continue to stay in business just as do McDonals and Taco Bell and does not make them any less successful or tasty places to eat.
It's a good similarity, except that McD is dangerously close to bankruptcy. In the same way Hollywood cannot continue its race to the bottom in trying to find the lowest common denominator, as that is an endless abyss. At some point the audience will no longer accept it.
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I do have to admit most people, including me, think that that explicit oral, anal and vaginal intercourse is in fact the very definition of pornography.
The intent of pornography is to create arousal in tbe viewer. This was clearly not the intent in Nymphomaniac so it really is not pornography. I kind of more looked at it as a medical documentary. Lars von Trier does seem to have an obsession with the medical profession (Epidemic, The Kingdom) And here the main character actually goes to medical school, and her father is a doctor. This obsession may be an extension of his faschination with Nazism, as we all know the Nazis had some pretty unsound theories about sexuality, which were carried out with experiments on humans.
Now if the movie industry was only about money, then why did Spielberg (who Von Trier has said he is a big fan of) not just continue making Jurassic Park movies, but are now making political movies, such as Lincoln, which was absolutely not a crowdpleaser, but unforgivingly bleak. I think it is his best film so far.
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Von triers films are basically love letters to von trier himself it is the most extreme level of self absorption and narcissitic pretentious behavior yet idiots want to praise this guy like hes some great artist when he's not He uses shock value to sell his trashy pretntious movies because thats all hes got hes got no substance his movies are masturbation to his enormous ego hes garbage
character is habitual action, we are what we do habitually.
Von triers films are basically love letters to von trier himself it is the most extreme level of self absorption and narcissitic pretentious behavior yet idiots want to praise this guy like hes some great artist
"Great" is subjective. He is an artist because he creates art; whether or not his art is narcissistic or self-serving doesn't preclude it from being considered art.
Von triers films are basically love letters to von trier himself it is the most extreme level of self absorption and narcissitic pretentious behavior yet idiots want to praise this guy like hes some great artist when he's not.
I think maybe the reason the artistic quality of Hollywood movies has gone down significantly in recent years is that they try too hard to please the fanboys. Consider that these studios once produced Alfred Hitchcock movies. He was also accused of being overly obsessed with his own psychology. Although I ought to be careful here because I have not watched it yet, the Force Awakens has been accused of trying too hard to please the crowd. Maybe the rise of the internet and global communications has increased this tendency towards the Disneyfication and Marvelization of the film industry and the distribution?
If you're really NEITHER, maybe you could explain how Von Triers movies are "love letters to himself" since every one of them is told from a distinctly FEMALE point of view. Exactly which character in "Nymphomaniac" is Von Triers--the female nympho? the elderly virgin? Shia Lebouf? His films are PERSONAL in a way that most Hollywood crap is not, but there's a world of difference between personal and self-indulgent. I also like it when people who wouldn't know art if it bit them on the ass accuse a long-time respected film artist of "trying to be arty". It's like accusing Lebron James of "trying to play basketball".
The "conman" idea is interesting. I'm sure I liked this movie as much as you liked "Transformers 4" or whatever, so how was I "conned" while you made good use of your cinema dollar? And the "pornography" argument--give me a break. Von Triers could have made a cheap porn video for a hundredth the cost of these two films and had an unknown actress like Staci Martin getting "ATMs" and double-*bleeped* by two black studs (as Charlotte Gainsbourg almost is in Part 2). Clearly, he has no real interest in pornography or he would make pornography. His last film "Melancholia" had no sex in it at all. You simply don't know what you're talking about.
"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"
His last film "Melancholia" had no sex in it at all. You simply don't know what you're talking about.
There are some scenes, although not explicit. She has some sex with a another man just after the party celebrating her impending marriage, and she masturbates under the light of the rogue planet Melancholia.
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Well said Lazarillo (apologies if that's incorrect - I only glanced at your screen name.) These films are too deep for some to understand. I thoroughly enjoyed them and the themes explored. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Yes he is pretentious in this film and all of his films are.. But accusing him of misogyny is wrong. I think he is portraying himself in is works.. Women actors in his mind are easier for him to portray this.. I don't know if this is his intention..but what I come away from in this film is the beautiful sensitivity we as men can learn from the female perspective of life. It really hit me when the credits rolled and a female voice sang Jimi Hendrix "Hey Joe".. Ironically sung by the lead actress Charlotte Gainsborough.
Totally untrue and you are way off your rocker. I am a Lars fan (even though this was not my fav of his films) and he makes pretty much what you expect -- modern art films that push a boundary of what a film narrative can be.
Nymph was a very interesting film in that its a commentary on the popularity of the de-humanization of sex in the modern world. Young people think sex is all about getting off and the human element in sex and the feelings and emotions are secondary. Just read any number of articles of people have non-consensual sex with a partner and all the confusion over what does "no mean" and "does no mean no?". Mass media and the Internet is rewiring peoples brains to ignore the fact that there is an actual human being attached to the other end of that genitalia. This film totally addresses this societal tragedy.
Can this really be the end..to be stuck inside of mobile with the Memphis blues again.