I think it'll be as hard as a PG-13 can get, considering they took what was an R-rated film and just removed the more explicit parts for the PG-13. It's just so stupid. I wish they would've left it alone. They just recently did the same thing to an upcoming horror release "The Bye Bye Man".
To me, it's one thing to take a script that could've been R-rated and work it into a PG-13 by the time filming happens. That's fine, I guess. But when you take a movie that was shot, edited and finalized as an R-rated film and censor it for a new rating, you're ruining a director's vision.
But yeah, there's lots of debate about "hard PG-13/R" movies and if that's a legitimate term, and I most definitely think it is. The MPAA is a strange company, and their process is very wishy-washy.