Muslims and Obamacare
As an avid hater and overall certified hater of the horror genre, I have a troll-based question. So please enlighten me, horror-fans.
How many horror movies were based on the premise that the antagonist or PROtagonist is a Muslim? Generally, and I'm probably wrong, but in the cases that they DO bring religion into the story line (I use that term loosely) the religion du jour is Christianity?
So I'm not familiar with a Muslim-based Exorcist, or the Iman at the local Mosque is actually a demon, or a werewolf for that matter.
Do you think either A) if a Muslim is seen in a demonic spirit'esque that the movie theater will probably be blown up, B) Christianity is just "safer" bc they don't wile'out when ever you portray them as demonic, or under attack?
Second topic, if she's trying to save money on medical expenses, has she never heard of Obamacare? Someone in her current situation would 100% have everything paid for by ACA? Or was this set PRE-ACA? Then again, I'm calling shenanagins, bc she'd be suitable for either Medicare/Medicaid.
Here's where you SJWs get super offended, bc someone dare to question the Muslim religion in anything other than the most holy of holies. When in fact, I'm seriously just asking.
Sorry for the tl;dr.