Where is Harry Markopolos?

How in the world does anyone make a movie about Bernie Madoff and not include Harry Markopolos in it? He's only the guy who discovered Madoff's Ponzi scheme and spent over 10 years trying to get the idiots in the SEC to do their *beep* jobs and see it. It was only after the 2008 financial collapse and Bernie was unable to pay his investors that the SEC morons finally said "Hmmmm......"

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


I believe its about his life prior to prison and being investigated, if Harry does appear in it, it will only be like the FBI agent in The Wolf of Wall Street, a minor role.


I was wondering the same thing because he's such a MAJOR element of this entire story. I cannot imagine them not framing the story without a Markopolous input in the beginning to give viewers a starting point. But then there would have to be followup with his character and redemption (for Markopolous). Maybe they felt it would take away from the intimate "looking out" point of view of the "besieged" Madoff family.
