I work with kids cyber bullied and it's bad..
Ok so this was a TV movie and I caught it on Netflix and was moved. I work with young girls and boys that go through this ordeal and even though I wasn't bullied I get what it's like to this generation especially how mean girls can be to each other. In a world where young ten age girls and boys rely on social media to connect these kids are very susceptible to being targeted and a lot of them unfortunately result in suicide. This film is based on this particular young girl but is a template for many young girls and boys that often think highschool is the whole world and can and will be pushed to a point of ridicule and outcast by their peers who push them to suicide or even school shootings. Beautiful young girls that have taken their lives because they don't realize how meaningless these losers are that buly and until a young child hurts or kills themselves it is pushed under the rug by stupid naive parents and legislators. I think this wasn't about the acting(which I've seen worse) but the message it sends. There is help for anybody going through this . Just go online and find out about help centers all over the country. Your not alone and that's in every aspect wheather is bullying or addiction or eating disorder or whatever. I thought it was a good film for this subject and if you want to see a really great film on this check out "Disconnect".