MovieChat Forums > Black Rock (2013) Discussion > so another idiot friend gets everybody i...

so another idiot friend gets everybody in trouble??

i haven't seen the movie but that's the way it looks. why oh why is that always a story driver every time a group of girls get in trouble? let me give a short list

Meagan is missing-a troubled girl leads her friend to her doom just by association

The Last House on the Left- again another troubled girl getting another girl in trouble

the descent- a home wrecker get her whole group of friends in trouble by taking a unnecessary risk (albeit with good intentions).

Taken- yup another dumbass friend getting someone else in trouble

Chaos- got in trouble cause the dumb blond wanted xstacy

Brokedown Palace- yet another situation where a friend ruined someone's life

And Soon the Darkness- another dumbass friend

there's more but i'll leave it at that. TvTropes calls it Toxic Friend Influence. whatever it is it needs to stop.


It's a terrible movie, that's all I'm gonna say :p Taken had that dumb friend scene, but at least Taken has good action scenes and acting.


There are plenty of movies where dudes get their friends in trouble. However, when it's a story about a woman, if she's the main character and she gets herself in trouble then you run the risk of idiot audience members saying things like "she brought it on herself so she deserves it" whereas if someone else is responsible it makes the main character more sympathetic.

It's another way to tell that gender politics are alive and well. A man can get himself into trouble and get himself out without the audience hating him for getting himself in trouble in the first place, whereas if a woman does it she may be alienated by certain audience members.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


C.S. Wood, you are exaggerating on that aspect, and to look at your posts, almost everything you post is about "gender politics" (politics concern government BTW), so you clearly are seeing what you want to see when you post your generalizations about "idiot audience members".

You're right, there are plenty of movies that feature dudes getting each other in trouble. A lot of comedies, Planes, Trains and Automobiles, The Hangover, countless others, and guess how everyone pretty much unanimously sees those male characters? That's right, as idiots. They aren't sympathetic.

You're shoehorning your personal agenda into everything you consume because you're obsessed, when in reality, the people who criticize the stupid women characters in those movies are also likely to criticize the stupid male characters too, simply because we don't like weak premises that rely on very artificially written stupidity, either from a character, or situation.

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon


You're shoehorning your personal agenda into everything you consume because you're obsessed

No I'm not shoehorning anything, and "obsessed" is the wrong word. Watching movies is a favorite pastime of mine as well as writing, and a big part of becoming a better writer is knowing how to analyze and break down story construction as well as character arcs and motivations.

I also take into account people I discuss movies and stories with as well as message boards like IMDb, where people express their true opinions on these matters anonymously without being judged or ridiculed to their face and I've read tons of examples where people are particularly harsh on a female character that, if the character had been male, no one would think twice about.

So yeah, gender politics play a big part in certain stories and how they are perceived. Male characters can get away with a lot of things that a female character simply can't. Any movie or show that features a woman defeating a man will have scores of people saying how unbelievable it is for a woman to do such a thing, whereas Bruce Willis can get into a dozen car crashes or get shot million times and still take on the bad guy and no one complains because he's a man and men are afforded more suspension of disbelief than women are.

in reality, the people who criticize the stupid women characters in those movies are also likely to criticize the stupid male characters too,

In a comedy? Maybe. But is a male character who cheats on his wife/girlfriend perceived the same way as a female character who cheats on her husband or boyfriend? Unless he wrongs her first in some terrible way certain audiences members will label her whore/slut, but a guy character can cheat and we're still supposed to root for him.

There are similar gender-specific principles when it comes to violence. A man doesn't really need an excuse to be driven to violence, whereas a woman can only resort to violence if her children are in immediate danger or if she's been raped. In horror it's a little different since the woman is usually running for her life for the first 90 minutes and so it's okay for her to resort to violence in the end (notice how much of this Black Rock follows).

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


Of course you're shoehorning. Maybe you're not familiar with the term? I mean you're forcing a viewpoint or interpretation that isn't there, that's what you're doing, plain and simple.

You see, the topic was about "the idiot friend that gets everybody in trouble", a common trope in all cinema and storytelling, and one, apparently, that this movie uses. It is tired and cliche, but looking at your initial post, you shoehorn your own views on gender stuff into the discussion, when really it wasn't on that track or related to that at all beforehand. Much like 9/11 conspiracists, alien conspiracists, and others, you used an unrelated discussion to pipe up about your views on a subject that nobody asked you about and weren't relevant to the discussion.

As a supposed writer, you could've talked about the use of this trope in other instances, and how it's become stilted, which is what the trope was about, but instead, you forcibly steered the discussion towards your own personal opinions on a subject that, again, was totally unrelated. This is the behavior of someone obsessed.

Your reply actually only further proves me right, you obviously think a lot about this and are very, very fixated on this. I'm debating whether or not to deconstruct everything you said about how you personally believe gender politics affect storytelling (please don't write as if your personal opinion reflects reality, okay?), but it's so tangential to the point I don't think I'll bother and simply summarize by saying that each and every single example you mentioned is cherry picked, extremely generalized, and very often not able to proven at all.

but a guy character can cheat and we're still supposed to root for him

Statements like this prove exactly what I mean. Where are you getting this? Do you understand that art and filmmaking is interpretive? How are we supposed to have any view of it other than our own? Even if there is a view the filmmakers intended, there is a concept you may be familiar with called "death of the author", which allows for other views of subjective works of art despite what the author meant. So you really don't have a point with what you're saying.

Everything you're saying is more or less your own opinion, but you're phrasing it like it's fact, another sign of someone with an obsessive mindset. Again, as a supposed writer, I would think you would know better and say "I believe", "I think or other such statements that clearly displayed you were making a totally unsubstantiated claim that can't really ever be proven.

Who's opinions are you basing your perceptions about audience reactions off of? Have you polled all people that absorb all media ever? Do you really think that you have an accurate idea of how gender, or really any factor about characters influences what people think in society as a whole? Is your information about "people's reactions" from this site? I really hope not, because there are whole lot more people in the world who absorb media and have their own opinions on it, you're just one of them and can't speak for the rest.

whereas Bruce Willis can get into a dozen car crashes or get shot million times and still take on the bad guy and no one complains because he's a man and men are afforded more suspension of disbelief than women are.

I know I said I wouldn't tear apart your post and that I'd summarize, but you make it so fun and easy! Really? Are you not aware of any action movies with female characters? Are you a time traveling feminist from the 1940's who somehow learned to use the internet?
How can you prove men are afforded more suspension of disbelief than men? Is there an official filmmaking document that has, in a numerical amount, how much suspension each gender of character gets? Because if you can't prove that and haven't gotten opinions from most of the populace, then that is simply what you believe from your skewed perception.
I doubt most people hold Wonder Woman or Hawkgirl to a lower suspension of disbelief than other superhero characters. I've never heard anyone I personally know (see what I did there? I'm not speaking as a universal authority) mention how Trinity from The Matrix or any female action hero couldn't do any of those things in reality, because most people I KNOW (again, not speaking for the whole human race like you) understand movies are fiction and everything in them requires suspension of disbelief, especially certain genres.

And also, guess what? As a huge action movie fan, a fun thing I do amongst me and my friends is point out how unbelievable, over the top, and unlikely so many action scenes are, some of the worst are excellent comedy! And trust me, we definitely, definitely do this with male characters, and I certainly have an inherent understanding it's a movie and doesn't reflect reality, and neither me nor any man I know watches a movie with a cheating male character and thinks that dude was a great guy.

I'm really sorry if you have some really sexist group of friends or family or something, and then you come on here to vent your frustrations about how they disgest things you watch, but you really ought to broaden your scope and realize there's no way to prove the things you're saying, and steer clear of generalizations.
Despite some of your fanaticism, you do seem like an intelligent person, so it might help you to get a hobby or something to focus your mind on that isn't gender politics. If you don't want to do that, maybe stick to the "Women in Film" board, where your views will always be relevant to the discussion, or perhaps quit writing and pursue a degree in gender studies or something like that.

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon


Of course you're shoehorning. Maybe you're not familiar with the term?

First of all read the original poster who pointed out all the movies where girls get into trouble because of their dumb friend and get back to me on that one, since clearly I'm not the only one noticing stuff like this. Just because you fail to see it that really isn't my problem.

You see, the topic was about "the idiot friend that gets everybody in trouble", a common trope in all cinema and storytelling, and one, apparently, that this movie uses.

Yes, let's analyze the "trouble" part of this movie. Three women (two of which have bad blood over a man) go to a secluded island where a woman flirts with a guy she meets who is a crazy war veteran that tries to rape her and then she fights back and kills him.

It is easy to interpret the events of the movie as the woman's flirting being the catalyst for the following events. If the guy had tried to rape her without the flirting that would be different, but that's not the route the movie went with.

I know I said I wouldn't tear apart your post and that I'd summarize, but you make it so fun and easy! Really? Are you not aware of any action movies with female characters?

How can you prove men are afforded more suspension of disbelief than men?

Are you honestly telling me you haven't heard anyone complain about those female action characters being able to beat up a man? Just visit the Salt (, Haywire (, Kill Bill ( or Colombiana ( imdb boards to see people complaining about the very subject of female action movies, or lamenting the people who are complaining about it.

And also, guess what? As a huge action movie fan, a fun thing I do amongst me and my friends is point out how unbelievable, over the top, and unlikely so many action scenes are, some of the worst are excellent comedy!

So do I. The difference is that there are audience members who totally accept those crazy things (the recent Fast and Furious movie being a current example) but some people will discount THE ENTIRE MOVIE if it's a woman doing the crazy unbelievable stunts. Kill Bill is actually one of my favorite movies but I got into long heated arguments with one guy in particular who hates it because he simply doesn't by a woman doing what The Bride does. He will not suspend his disbelief for a woman action character, and I have run into others like him.

I'm really sorry if you have some really sexist group of friends or family or something, and then you come on here to vent your frustrations about how they disgest things you watch, but you really ought to broaden your scope and realize there's no way to prove the things you're saying, and steer clear of generalizations.

It's not about that at all, it's about analyzing and anticipating audience sympathy. Have you watched The Walking Dead? In it a woman believes her husband is dead so she sleeps with his best friend for comfort amidst a zombie apocalypse and the IMDb boards were lit up with calling this character a whore (her name is Lori and they called her "Whorie"). These are people who would sooner buy the concept of zombies than a woman sleeping with a man that wasn't her husband.

Why is it okay for James Bond to sleep with a dozen different women in his movies while a female action star usually goes without having any casual sexual partners? This is because a woman that sleeps around is still seen as a negative (check he current Plan B debates).

I'm just saying, as a writer and story analyst these are things I usually take into consideration when reading or watching a story. And just think, we haven't even touched racial politics.

But as far as Black Rock and the OP goes, yes, I have noticed a trend of idiot friend that gets the group in trouble. In comedies it's usually a man and it's a wacky adventure (The Hang Over), but in horror/thriller it tends to be a woman and the penalty is death.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


Sure, the original poster just focuses on girls, but that's just the examples they went with. See, a lot of what we're discussing has to do with interpretation. When I read their post, I didn't see an opportunity for a discussion on gender politics, because my mind is able to operate outside that subject, unlike yours, which is closed and laser focused (read: obsessed) on that topic. When they mentioned that TV Tropes term: Toxic Friend Influence, I didn't assume it had anything to do with girls being portrayed badly or anything like that, and that their examples came from movies focusing on female characters because this movie is also one that does. I never took it any farther than that and there is no indication from the OP that it should be, that's all your interpretation stemming from your obsession. That's why I called you out on this, because even in your responses, you can't really focus or discuss anything else.

It is easy to interpret the events of the movie as the woman's flirting being the catalyst for the following events.

Sure, it's easy to, but you're speaking as if your unique interpretation is the sole one that's valid. I have plenty of other unique interpretations for many movies I love, but I never pretend that they're the gospel truth or the 100% correct version like you. You really seem to have an issue confusing facts and opinions.

As for the message boards, I made it clear that using IMDB as evidence for your opinions isn't valid. This is the internet, are you really saying that just because troll topics exist that you're not over-focusing on this issue? Please. On every message board from an action movie with a man in it, you can find someone arguing the implausibility of what the character does in it, and I already mentioned that me and my friends (real people, not some faceless beings on some message board who may or may not be trolls) don't hold male action characters to some different standard, and in my experience, plenty don't. What I typed went through one eye and out the other I guess, I'm actually reading your responses, but like many fanatics, the only reason you talk to others is to hear yourself spout your own views, instead of listen to someone else's.

You holding up a few troll topics on some recent action movies (Salt and Colombiana were both awful movies in general, they deserve any and all dislike because I thought those were both terrible, Haywire was great) as evidence for whatever absurd conspiracy you're arguing is as valid as saying that just because there are troll and hate topics on Star Wars doesn't make it one of the most beloved movie franchises ever.

The voices of the ignorant are much louder than the voices of those who aren't, I'd assume that someone on message boards as often as you would know better than to use them as proof of the direction of society. You can't possibly gauge that from the postings of some people who may even be posting those topics just to cause a stir (the definition of a troll).

Some guy argued with you about Kill Bill? Said things you didn't agree with? Boo hoo. Grab a Kleenex, sorry that someone on the internet said that about a movie you liked. It sucks you like Kill Bill because I actually do too, nutcases like you make it hard to enjoy any female action or any female characters in general, because when I do, it makes it look like I'm in line with your overzealous, extremist thinking.

I'm sorry that you think the whole of the world's audiences don't accept female action/Kill Bill from one conversation/argument you had online, but I know most of my friends, who are no small number, pretty much all think Kill Bill is cool. I remember watching it with a group of other testosterone filled teenage boys when I was one myself and we didn't at any point say "Oh she couldn't do that", because we all knew it was movie. You simply can't prove from some dumb trolls that most people don't give women characters the same amount of slack as a man.

On a side note though, there definitely are female action scenes that should be criticized for their lack of believability, especially if it's set in an otherwise realistic world, but then again I'm sure you probably don't think that there are any differences between men and women physically, so that's not really a discussion I would want to get into with someone like you. Haywire was great because it was one of the few modern female action movies with a lead who can believably kick ass. One of the problems of the two other female action movies you mentioned is that the leads could never in a million years kick any ass at all, and probably have trouble carrying their groceries, whereas Gina Carano is a former MMA champion.
And just because I can anticipate your argument of me not applying this to men, I actually do, and lament the passing of tough guy actors. You see, in my opinion, even though I can't speak for the general direction of society or most audiences (something you try doing) I personally believe that true masculinity and movie tough guys are dying a slow death, and that action movies in general are getting pushed to the side. It's a problem with male action movies in modern times too, with guys who get manicures and pedicures supposedly being marketed as tough guys. Guys who can really fight and kick ass aren't given action parts for the most part anymore, so I have this problem with men too.

It's not about that at all, it's about analyzing and anticipating audience sympathy.

What in the heck does this statement even mean? What are you trying to say here? Who cares what an audience is or isn't sympathetic to? I routinely laugh at brutal deaths on TV and movies simply because it isn't real and I have no moral obligation to care for them or express emotion, for example. That doesn't mean I don't in real life.
You should be more concerned with the amount of empathy people have in regards to real things, and not the fictional world. It's just a movie, remember?

Just because there are people in this world who don't like characters as much as you do or think exactly the same as you doesn't mean there is some huge war you have to fight, or some deep conspiracy happening. You need to realize that humanity is essentially dumb, ignorant, stupid, short-sighted, and prejudice. It's great you have compassion and don't think women should be treated bad. I don't either, but I don't think it should stop with women, I think any kind of unfairness or injustice is bad, but I don't grandstand at the drop of a hat about my beliefs without being asked, like you do.
You need to understand that no matter what, especially online, especially where there's anonymity, there will be people who let out the ugly, stupid sides of themselves. You need to develop thicker skin to this fact and enjoy your time, and not bother with these fools. That's what I do, and I'm much happier for it. Like speaking to you, there's no point in speaking to those idiots.

And you like the Walking Dead too? Ugh, unfortunately another thing we have in common. Shouldn't your tastes be relegated strictly to Lifetime movies? Why do you bother watching anything that might not jive with your personal politics? Lori did something wrong, it doesn't make her a "whore" per say, but if you think what she did was okay, I feel bad for anyone in a relationship with you. I have a girlfriend myself and wouldn't have done what she did, especially if we got married.
It's possible to criticize a female character without being sexist, but you probably don't believe that. I don't think anyone on The Walking Dead is a shining standard of moral behavior, I'm glad for that. I'm glad that Lori did that in the show, it made it interesting, but I'm also not going to say that what she did was okay or forgivable, because that's my opinion and it doesn't make me a bigot.

Why is it okay for James Bond to sleep with a dozen different women in his movies while a female action star usually goes without having any casual sexual partners? This is because a woman that sleeps around is still seen as a negative (check he current Plan B debates).

This is the only possibly valid point you made, but it was made in a discussion about how you fit gender politics into everything, which you do, because you're a fanatic. If the topic of discussion had indeed been "Sexual Double Standards in Pop Culture", then your observation would be valid and I would totally support you on it, but it wasn't. That observation about Bond came out of nowhere, it has nothing to do with what I posted and only serves to prove my point about your mindset.

Also, who ever said it was okay? Who says that? Do you know that for sure? In what number? Where are your numbers and statistics from? (Oh yeah, you don't have any) I'm not okay with that about James Bond, I accept that he has much looser morals than me because I find that interesting, I like moral gray areas and heroes that aren't boyscouts, I like flawed characters, which is something I'm sure you aren't familiar with. Sure there's a double standard in society about the amount of sexual partners a man and woman has, but that has nothing to do with most movies, nor does it have anything to do with this particular discussion.

I'm just saying, as a writer and story analyst these are things I usually take into consideration when reading or watching a story.

Not as a writer, but rather as someone obsessed, much like Conservatives insanely, obsessively force themselves to see their personal politics reflected in all life. If you chose to see life through a different lense, focused on other things, it wouldn't show up as much, you are willing it to, because it is your mind interpreting it, what you interpret is not there objectively, that's why movies and other media are fiction and not fact.

I don't have a problem with you having your interpretation, I have a problem with you forcing it on others and forcing it into a discussion.

For every trend or example, yadda yadda you pull out, I can offer a counter one. What about in Aliens where Bill Paxton's moron wannabe-tough guy gets everyone into a worse situation and then Ripley (female action character) has to fight to survive? If you're aware of that, I'm sure you masturbate to that scene, as to you, I'm sure it's total propaganda, instead of just a good movie (how I view it).

And just think, we haven't even touched racial politics.

And thank god that we won't. That has even less to do with anything we're talking about, and certainly not a subject I want to hear someone with as loose a grasp on things as you talk about.

I would never, never want to read anything you created, it would all be Mary Sue super-powerful, flawless female characters and evil men, with the entire story being a thinly veiled podium for your preachiness and personal statements.

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon


Eeee, and I thought my posters were long. Look, we're just going to have to agree to disagree because it will take me too long to dissect the ignorance in your words, which will basically boil down to you saying "nah-uh, it's just your opinion" when I have spent literally years researching, debating, and culminating these angles with the express intent of applying them to writing stories whereas you're just blatantly refusing to acknowledge that there are people out there with varying opinions that are different from yours (and exactly how many of those people there are).

So yeah, I will respect your desire to stay ignorant. Have fun being ignorant.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


I never blatantly refused to acknowledge your opinion, I acknowledge it, I'm just calling you an extremist who bases their entire existence around one personal belief, and injects into any and every place you can, whether or not it's merited. That's what my whole original post was about, and you only made it easier and easier to prove that about you, as this is literally the only post you've made where you don't generalize about the world at large, what audiences believe or do, or make other unsubstantiated claims.

So yes, of course I'm saying "nah-uh, it's just your opinion", because no matter how well researched and debated it is, it is and always will be just that, not fact, not objective, and not something to shove into every discussion and conversation without warrant.

People like you look for any opportunity to grand-stand and force your views on others, whether it's conspiracy theories, politics, religion, whatever, you simply cannot have any discussion without forcefully steering it in another direction.

I had a long post because in response to mine, showing my opinion and view that was counter to yours, you left a long post, and so in order to do the same thing once more, to demonstrate that you don't have an omniscient view of things just because you personally believe something, I had to type a lot, so sorry for being so wordy, I wouldn't think a writer would complain about that.

I completely acknowledge different opinions and don't think all of yours are unwarranted if the discussion was ever about that to begin with. You would know that had you actually read and understood what I was saying, but go on and accuse me of being ignorant while living in your world where the chatter about your personal beliefs overtakes all else.

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon


As usual when 2 people debate, you're both right and wrong. Unfortunately the ENTIRE THREAD is about the female trope. This is quoted from the first line of the first post about a friend getting their group in trouble:

i haven't seen the movie but that's the way it looks. why oh why is that always a story driver every time a group of girls get in trouble? let me give a short list...

That coupled with the title about the idiot friend getting everyone in trouble, as well as their entire list being examples of WOMEN, it makes it pretty obvious what the OP meant.

However that other poster IS only providing examples from the imdb board, where a lot of backwards ass people post. Racism, sexism, theism, it's all very alive and well around here. So they're only looking at movies specifically, and then the imdb boards to connect this theory to the entire world, as if everyone out there thinks like the folks posting here. Obviously it functions very different than this site, so it's not an apt comparison either.

Just my thoughts on the matter. And for what it's worth, I agree that it happens to men in movies just as often, if not more. But the OP wasn't talking about that, although maybe they should be...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon


C.S.Wood, not really with You on this specific subject. Nowadays, when cheating is depicted in movies (and also talked about irl) its often that way: woman cheats on man - her man is probably abusive/boring/not caring etc and deserves to be cheated on. Man cheats on woman - man is cheating scumbag...

I understand that social and cultural standards have been other way for really long time in history and so have been depictions of the subject as I also accept that it has been wrong against women. But already for a while it hasn't been so - now the men are bad.


C.S.Wood, not really with You on this specific subject. Nowadays, when cheating is depicted in movies (and also talked about irl) its often that way: woman cheats on man - her man is probably abusive/boring/not caring etc and deserves to be cheated on. Man cheats on woman - man is cheating scumbag...

You're right, I agree with this. Men's reasons for cheating is because they're men and they allow themselves to be led around by their little head, whereas women are usually given an iron clad reason/excuse for cheating and not just because they are letting their loins make the decisions. But there are a few movies like Unfaithful where this happens and leads to tragedy. But yeah, a woman isn't really allowed to cheat on a good man without getting crucified.

However those rules tend to apply largely to drama and comedy. In horror it's a different ball game. The rule was always that women who have sex or get naked die while women who don't get naked or have sex live. The exception here is if she's attacked without provocation, ie raped (I Spit On Your Grave comes to mind).

Basically if a woman in a horror film flaunts or expresses her sexuality without being ashamed of it she is probably going to end up dead, or will get her friends killed.

Another movie that does this that is actually really good is The Descent, in which the one girl who slept with the main character's husband leads her friends down into a cave where they are all killed. Basically a woman's sexuality leads to death in horror movies.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.



Another poster said you always exaggerate gender politics. That's true. You also exaggerate race politics. In fact, it's not really race so much as black politics. For some reason you are on messageboards for movies I like A LOT. And you always find some way to insert some sort of black issue. The movie could be a Mongolian martial arts movie but you can find some way to insert some comment regarding black people. I have no clue why but YOU ARE OBSESSED WITH BLACK PEOPLE. It's weird. And creepy. Especially if you're not black.

On the issue at hand, this woman deserved to die because her actions were incredibly stupid and I can't remember the last time I saw a character in a horror movie that could have easily avoided everything negative that happened to them. And that's saying a lot considering horror movie characters do a lot to get bring trouble on themselves.


Another poster said you always exaggerate gender politics. That's true. You also exaggerate race politics. In fact, it's not really race so much as black politics. For some reason you are on messageboards for movies I like A LOT.

Because nearly every IMDb board has a moronic "this movie is racist" post and I like smashing trolls with logic when I can. And the last few movies I've commented on are The Butler and Elysium which both have race issues in them.

And you always find some way to insert some sort of black issue. The movie could be a Mongolian martial arts movie but you can find some way to insert some comment regarding black people.

Feel free to go through my post history and point out instances where I insert race into a discussion that's not already about race, otherwise I'm calling BS on that one.

You've only been a IMDb member for 3 months, I've been a member for 13 years, so yeah, I have a little more experience in how discussions on IMDb tend to go.

On the issue at hand, this woman deserved to die because her actions were incredibly stupid and I can't remember the last time I saw a character in a horror movie that could have easily avoided everything negative that happened to them. And that's saying a lot considering horror movie characters do a lot to get bring trouble on themselves.

Well on that we can agree.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


Because nearly every IMDb board has a moronic "this movie is racist" post and I like smashing trolls with logic when I can. And the last few movies I've commented on are The Butler and Elysium which both have race issues in them.

There is racism all over this imdb, true. But only on the messageboards you frequent. There are hundreds of thousands of movies with no discussion about race, and this includes Blaxploitation movies. You just gravitate toward the racial issues and delude yourself into thinking it's everywhere.

Feel free to go through my post history and point out instances where I insert race into a discussion that's not already about race, otherwise I'm calling BS on that one.

You've only been a IMDb member for 3 months, I've been a member for 13 years, so yeah, I have a little more experience in how discussions on IMDb tend to go.

You want me to go back through your post history? Do you realize you've posted at least once a week on imdb since the Bush administration? I am not going through all those posts.

My username has been a member for 3 months. Prior to that, I was another user from 2007-2013 before my login wouldn't work and I created this new one.

I also love this quote: "I've been a member for 13 years, so yeah, I have a little more experience in how discussions on IMDb tend to go." Your patting yourself on the back for having "experience" discussing things on an internet message board? Congratulations, you have no life outside of imdb.

Well on that we can agree.
At least we agree on something.


There is racism all over this imdb, true. But only on the messageboards you frequent. There are hundreds of thousands of movies with no discussion about race, and this includes Blaxploitation movies. You just gravitate toward the racial issues and delude yourself into thinking it's everywhere.

Well I took a look at the first few pages of my post history and I could pick out a dozen posts that aren't about race, but when I see a stupid post about race I do tend to comment to set the stupid commenter straight. I don't see the problem here. I never start a post talking about race, I respond to stupid posts that someone else made.

I watch a lot of movies and I tend to visit their IMDb pages and I don't comment on all of them, only the ones I feel I should comment on and you're blasting me for that? Um, okay, whatever.

You want me to go back through your post history? Do you realize you've posted at least once a week on imdb since the Bush administration? I am not going through all those posts.[quote]

Then don't make the accusation if you're not willing to back it up. You took a quick glance at my post history, saw a few race related post, and made up your mind based on an assumption. That's not what smart intelligent people do.

[quote]I also love this quote: "I've been a member for 13 years, so yeah, I have a little more experience in how discussions on IMDb tend to go." Your patting yourself on the back for having "experience" discussing things on an internet message board? Congratulations, you have no life outside of imdb.

Movies are a great hobby of mine as well as play a factor in my job and fiction writing I like to do, but I see, because you can't back up your argument against me you sink to attacking me for liking movies on arguably the most popular and visiting movie website in existence? Smart move, champ. You'll make a fine troll someday, but you have much to learn.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


Aren't films like "Trespass" and "Judgment Night" examples of this? "Trespass" was a little different because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time and didn't expect to see an execution take place so they fought for their lives. "Judgment Night" had a very similar premise, but they got into that mess because the friend who was driving made a turn into a run-down part of town and they happened to get a guy who was injured and close to death who was also a gang member.

All I need is one mic...


The idiot friend in Black Rock is named Henry. He tries to rape a woman and his idiot actions result in not only his own death, but the death of both his friends, the death of one of the friends of the woman he tried to tape and attempted murders of the other two women on the island. Henry is indeed very much one idiot "friend".


There's a motto in there somewhere. You're only as good as the company you keep.
