That girl was begging to get banged.
Then when it does happen she doesn't want to do it. I'm sorry but it was her fault 100%.
Even I'm surprised I'm not gay.
Then when it does happen she doesn't want to do it. I'm sorry but it was her fault 100%.
Even I'm surprised I'm not gay.
Someone really needs to explain the concept of rape culture to you, and quick.
shareDon't feed the trolls
I just hate the way it works in society here, the girls get whatever they want whenever they want
You're pathetic. She changed her mind. She wasn't feeling well, realized it wasn't a good idea, whatever the case may have been...she said to stop and not only did he not stop, but he verbally acknowledged that he was going to rape her. People like you simply baffle me, and the fact that this is a topic of discussion is embarrassing.
shareI know, as a woman, that I will be crucified by other women for saying this...but I agree with the OP.
I'm not condoning rape at all, but at what point are we, as women, going to accept part of the responsibility? I see it ALL TOO OFTEN, girls/women leading a guy on..flirting, suggestiveness, provocative actions, even going to a guy's room...what do they think is going to happen? It's a GAME to a lot of women (not all). I have heard my own sister on the phone with her friends, giggling and laughing about how they get guys all "worked up" and then turn them down...they think it's FUNNY. That kind of stuff makes me ashamed of women.
I have seen the EXACT same thing in real life that happened in the movie...drunk girl comes on to a guy, flirts constantly even though he is obviously not interested, rubs on him and whispers to him, gets him going and then backs down. That is not funny, it's serious business. The woman in the movie was MARRIED on top of it, and even signaled to the guy to come into the dark woods alone with her. What the hell did she expect to happen? And with a total stranger???
And don't bring the "she was drunk, she didn't know what she was doing" crap into it...again, I've seen it before...if you can't handle the booze, don't do it. Period.
I know, as a woman, that I will be crucified by other women for saying this...but I agree with the OP.
I'm not condoning rape at all, but at what point are we, as women, going to accept part of the responsibility? I see it ALL TOO OFTEN, girls/women leading a guy on..flirting, suggestiveness, provocative actions, even going to a guy's room...what do they think is going to happen? It's a GAME to a lot of women (not all). I have heard my own sister on the phone with her friends, giggling and laughing about how they get guys all "worked up" and then turn them down...they think it's FUNNY. That kind of stuff makes me ashamed of women.
I have seen the EXACT same thing in real life that happened in the movie...drunk girl comes on to a guy, flirts constantly even though he is obviously not interested, rubs on him and whispers to him, gets him going and then backs down. That is not funny, it's serious business. The woman in the movie was MARRIED on top of it, and even signaled to the guy to come into the dark woods alone with her. What the hell did she expect to happen? And with a total stranger???
And don't bring the "she was drunk, she didn't know what she was doing" crap into it...again, I've seen it before...if you can't handle the booze, don't do it. Period.
Are you actually saying if your sister gets raped, she needs to accept her responsibility in it? That since her and her friends were getting the guys worked up, they got what was coming to them? Because that’s what it’s coming off as, and I am astounded you would say that.
I can understand you being upset that her and her friends think what they are doing is funny, because you’re right, it’s not. But I’d be more upset because they obviously don’t understand the danger they could put themselves in. No matter what they do, they should have the right to say “No” and whatever has happened up until that point, it ends right there. At the end of the day, every individual should have the last word on their own body. I don’t know your ages or if you are the younger or older sister, but you sound like the older sister; have you not talked to your sister about her actions? What about your parents? This goes for all young women, and not just your sister and her friends, who also sound like they are flirting with danger.
And in the case of the character being drunk, it’s not like they were at a party. They were on an island that at any other time, would have been deserted, and Abby and Lou had just gotten into a huge argument. So Abby was really upset and got into the booze. Perhaps not the wisest choice, but it’s not like she could just get into her car and go home. Watching the movie, she signaled Henry out into the woods because she wanted to make out, to prove she still “had it,” as we find out later on that she had left her husband. It was pretty clear that’s all she wanted to do and she kept telling Henry that she wanted to stop and get back to the beach. While she made a poor choice in who to make out with, she certainly didn’t deserve the treatment she got from Henry. And Henry, if he had been gentleman, would not have taken advantage of her in that state.
And by saying women should accept any responsibility of rape, you are indeed condoning it.
I totally agree with ReneeMorgan. For what happened the girl was ALSO responsible. It's like you go to the worst part of a big city at evening full in gold and whining about getting robbed. Yes mugging is bad, but sometime the victim is also responsible for his/her action.
The guy was responsible for the attempted rape, but the girl was responsible to make the situation happen.
I judge both.
Wow, this is totally sickening. The victim isn't responsible! To blame the victim is to downplay the responsibility of the law-breaker. Just because someone is carrying around (or whatever the hell you're trying to say) doesn't make it MORE acceptable to mug him/her than the guy with $8 in his wallet. Unless the victim held a gun to the perpetrator's head, then there is no responsibility there.
You essentially create a double standard here that works in favor of the attacker. What you're saying is the actions of the victim can influence the actions of the attacker, by extension implying that the attacker is NOT 100% in control of his or her actions. And by then saying "the victim should've known better," you're holding the victim 100% accountable for his or her actions. So let me get this get straight: a mugger/attacker/rapist shouldn't be held accountable for his opportunistic inclinations, but the innocent victim should be held accountable just because they're exercising their right to live in a free country?
This sort of thinking is preposterous. I don't wish harm on anyway, but I hope you're in this situation one day and realize how absurd this line of logic is. Maybe you're driving a nice car through the wrong part of town. Maybe your suit is too nice for the bus you're on. Maybe that bottle of liquor you're buying is just a little too conspicuous for the liquor store you happen to be in. God forbid, maybe you absolutely MUST withdraw $600 from a lonely ATM at 2am.
Yes, I agree!
Or, the girl may be giving all the right signals because she IS into it -- but (and this happens to both sexes, or both parties, in any case) -- as we all know, there is this thing called, "Date Face"? My sisters and I used to talk about this all the time... 'he seemed great.. til his Date Face fell off'...or, 'I don't know what I did? maybe he liked my Date Face but he got bored when he got to know the real me?'
it can happen at any time during any date, you could be really into it, when someone will say or do something that makes you stop and go WAIT! eW! UGH!! GET AWAY FROM ME! (like the way someone treats their pet? if you get to their house and they don't feed their hungry/thirsty pet, right away? if someone is dying to pour their date a glass of wine faster than their dog's empty water dish, oh man, I will do it myself and then leave)...we all have our buttons.
its never right to blame the victim, but if you (by you, I mean, some of the posters, on his thread)
are the victim of being 'teased and then dumped', be careful you aren't guilty of a severe sin once you drop your Date Face. if you swear its nothing, well, people are complicated, we all have our buttons.
p.s. One of my favorite boyfriends, kept a large steak knife next to his bed. Turned out it was his favorite thing to scratch his back with. Be careful of quick judgments.
I've never heard it called "date face," but I think you nailed what happened in this movie. There might be the occasional woman who enjoys leading on men, but that wasn't the case here. The woman was into it, but then while they were kissing the guy got too aggressive and turned her off. She didn't want things to go that way, and cut it off.
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Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley
So she deserved to get punched in the head and viciously raped? That's your opinion yeah. It was partly her fault. Dear god, I can't believe some of the ignorant opinions on here. How about your take a look at the guy and wonder just why he has so little self control and why he's a violent ass who was quite prepared to knock her out and take what he wants, and as for people being responsible for being mugged, again, how about the thief restrain him/herself and buy their own damn stuff.
shareOh, so everytime a girl kisses a guy, she better be ready for some sex. Nice logic you have going there.
shareRenee, you have been drinking the rape culture kool aid too long. It's like you have Stockholm syndrome.
You need a good look in the mirror. And some deprogramming.....
And she was separated. A little watching comprehension might not hurt either.....
She had no intentions of sleeping with him in the first place. She used him to stroke her ego and make her feel sexy again then once she got that affirmation she was done.
shareShe was not begging to be raped. There's a difference between consensual sex and rape...oh, wait...maybe you don't know the definitions! How completely stupid can you be?! When he started to get rough with her that's when she changed her mind...she said NO. Whoever you are "us women have to accept responsibility for leading guys on" have never been raped and will NEVER know what that is like. You think you're being a feminist, but you're just being an *beep*
shareYeah, it's really disappointing what POSs people show themselves to be. What is wrong with people. SMH
shareThe girl standing in the bush with the flashlight, encouraging not once, not twice, but three times for the guy to join her in the bush for some wild outdoor sex was definitely asking for it.
Like my goodness, you hardly know a guy, and YOU'RE MARRIED, and you're on an island where half the people there are strangers, and you don't think you're going to get banged after asking not once, not twice, but three times for the guy you hardly know to join you in the forest?
Sure, she *was* asking for it, but the point is that she *stopped* asking for it. Why don't people get that? Why is it that some of you think it's so unacceptable to change one's mind about sex? Sometimes I pick up something off a shelf, but I *change my mind* and put it back before buying it. Sometimes I start watching something on TV and then *change my mind* and switch to something else. Where is this unwritten rule that says "once a guy is propositioned for sex, the girl *must* follow through!"
I think it's funny; had she slept with the guy everyone would be screaming "slut!" and now that she made an intelligent decision to NOT sleep with the guy, all anyone can fixate on is her momentary lapse in judgement and implicitly suggest that the man was entitled to have his way with her.
'people' like you should be taken into the woods and shot in the head.
"I love Sonny and Sonny loves me"-Carly Corinthos
you are a tool, that should be shot, soon.
sharerokuaplle the ugly retard
shareWow. Just wow. Your perspective on rape is pretty staggeringly stupid and immature. A woman says no, no matter what, that's it. Grow up.