Looks interesting

I saw the trailer for this and it looks pretty sick, and I mean that in a good way. This was the guy behind the trailers for Worst Case Scenario and it looks like the creepy Nazi vibe has continued to this project. I am looking forward to this and I hope he then gets to make WCS.


Yeah, I only weigh 90lbs...BEEFCAKE!!


The trailers looked great. Someone finally went to the trouble to dress German soldiers in authentic period uniforms and put them in a realistic European location circa 1945, not some deserted factory in present day Bulgaria, plus it looked GRIM. Loved the grainy B&W documentary look. No tongue-in-cheek humor or pretentious social statements trying to pertain to today's social mores please.
Also,there was a nice Hammer vibe here that seemed to emulate the creepiness of THE FROZEN DEAD and SHOCK WAVES. Has somebody finally figured out that you don't need a ton of cash to make a great horror movie?
If you want to make WCS later, great. But in memory of Peter Cushing please try to keep this flick seriously disturbing.
