MovieChat Forums > La migliore offerta (2014) Discussion > *spoilers* Clair acting poses from artwo...

*spoilers* Clair acting poses from artwork? (need some art snobs)

I am not an expert of art, but I couldn't help thinking some of the scenes were staged in imitation of works of art. The one that just throws itself at me is the bathtub scene. Ophelia anyone? I imagine a Millais starring at Elizabeth Siddal (albeit clothed) in much the same way. Anyone else notice anything that could be linked with a specific work of art? I could be wrong. It would be a very subtle point and almost a subliminal attraction for Virgil. I would like to think I'm right because it would be a light touch for a change. Loved the movie.


You know, the bathtub scene sort of reminded me of something, subliminally, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I think you're onto something, there. Now I'm going to have to watch it some more (can't even say again at this point, I've watched it so many times) and see if I notice anything else. Did he have a Millais in his gallery? Have to look for that, too!

Terriers always smell like warm, buttered toast.


I haven't gone over it since this post, but I bet you'll find some Mona Lisa-ish shots.
