What about Fred?

The whole explanation at the end was unnecessary imo, but since they already done it, what happened with Claire's servant(?) Fred? was he in on it too? I mean, he obviously was, but still, they've could've explained that part of the puzzle too.



I had the same thought until it occurred to me that it's fairly obvious already. Billy set up all the pieces and allowed the game to be played out. Fred was one of those pieces, playing his role. If you agree with that then a detailed explenation of what his role consisted of and how he got the role doesn't really matter.


It doesn't really matter. One assumes that he was a long-time shyster who helped plan the thing and got his cut in the end.


if it helps [a small amount]

Fred put the Tracking device into Virgil's trunk

there's a scene where he gets/requests Virgils' keys to his car
[i don't remember where the scene was]



The scene is as Virgil is walking toward the the villa as workmen are busy removing furniture and paintings so they can be photographed for the catalog. Fred approaches with a bag which he opens and shows to Virgil, saying "Here's a lot more of that stuff you're interested in" -- it's parts to the automaton. Virgil nods, pleased, and Fred says "if you'll give me your keys, I'll put it in your car".
