The editing

Anyone else find the editing awkward? It felt dreamlike but I don't think there was a reason for that. Scenes seemed to start in the middle of conversations. Virgil would talk to characters as if time had passed since he'd seen them in their last scene together, but I didn't really feel the passage time. I understand that the story required a gradually building of his relationship with Claire, but in 2 hours, I'd think they'd be able to smooth out the edges.

I generally liked the tone of the movie, but Billy looked shifty. The twist seemed obvious to me.

Regarding the other criticisms that the valuation would have revealed the deception, I agree. I don't think this film works if you think too much about the logistics. It felt more like first draft.


I'd say movie is "sit and chill" flick
not to be overthinking

it has mild and smooth plot until the very end
