MovieChat Forums > Pompeii (2014) Discussion > Romantic Ending....(SPOILER)

Romantic Ending....(SPOILER)

...with them stuck in a tight embrace as the smoke and fire rushes towards them.

Finding out Pompeii was a sex town in real life completely ruined any romance from the movie.

Black Jesus:I rode into town on an ass....Yo mamas ass.


Recent historical opinion is that it didn't have as many brothels as once thought. If you're interested in finding more out about Pompeii, I would suggest looking up Mary Beard's documentary about it. She clears up a lot of rubbish about it.


I guess it was supposed to romantic to see them entombed in that embrace for eternity, but I just found it grim and depressing.


I guess it was supposed to romantic to see them entombed in that embrace for eternity, but I just found it grim and depressing.

I think it is interesting how people feel after seeing dead bodies, even those that have died a long time ago. When I was little and really into disasters I thought the embracing couple were just two people who knew they weren't going to make it and decided to comfort each other as they died.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.


What's with this one-dimensional thinking? I guess if it had a few brothels, there can be no romance there...what? I guess people in Vegas don't get married and don't fall in love?? Bizarre


They wouldn't have been able to kiss, though. The volcanic blast would have seared their lungs and the horse's, way before they could ride that far. The falling ash in their lungs also would have killed them (smothered them) before they could leave the arena. It's incinerated rock, and essentially like broken glass.
It was sweet though, seeing the kissing duo's encased bodies at the end.


I agree how sweet that was. That was the best part of the movie. Though for me, I was a lot more forgiving of the movie once the actual eruption started happening.

Winter is coming


I actually quite liked the ending of the film, it saved the entire movie for me (which I merely found "not bad" until the ending). I was totally expecting a cliche and inaccurate ending like the two lovers escaping and living happily ever after (which would be silly since the entire city was destroyed at that point and there was no hope for escape), but I was pleasantly surprised that it had them die locked in an embrace (also accurate to show them end up as ashy body casts, just like the ones on display at the museums!)...

LOVED IT. Kudos to Pompeii for that ballsy ending!!!
