MovieChat Forums > Pompeii (2014) Discussion > 100 things I learned from Pompeii

100 things I learned from Pompeii

I am surprised we saw a movie not Jon Snow, Jack Bauer nor Trinity could save and nobody has made this, so feel free to continue.

1) Gladiators were extremely polite to their first-meet-match. And if they were lucky: BFF!
2) The rich heiresses hated slavery and wealthy attractive senators, just like today.
3) Pompeii is not a great city to invest.
4) Two men can, without any doubt; defeat at least 30 men with better weapons than them. Even if they were chained.
5) When a slave wants you to escape with him, do it. Specially in ancient Rome.
6) You can talk to a horse, with your eyes.
7) There was a Tsunami in Pompeii
8) Pompeii was NOT a part of Rome.
9) Volcanoes don't throw lava.
10) Eruptions also cause electrical storms.
11) Be sure to have a black friend, because no matter how OVER used this is, they ALWAYS and since romans times; will die first.

Good... this was baaaaaaaaaaaad!

It is colder than Angelina. She took that sad old lady's husband.- Stewie G


12) Instead of escaping from an eruption, let the horse go and kiss the slave you just met. YOLO


Well in their defense, there was no escaping a Pyroclastic flow. That horse didn't make it either.


Regards 10 ....volcanic ash clouds are highly electrified. This was seen spectacularly during the Iceland eruption. ash-and-lightning-above-Iceland-volcano.html


Not to argue with most of your list, but Pliny the Younger does record great flashes of lightning from the ash cloud over Vesuvius, which makes sense because of the tremendous turbulence would generate so much static electricity.


13. Girls think its really hot when you break a horse's neck


14. Don't bother killing the man who murdered your family and your whole tribe because, if you leave it up to chance, a volcano will do it for you.

15. You can make a movie by copying a much better movie, like Gladiator, if you change the name of the protagonist from Maximus to Milo, and his nickname from "the Spaniard" to "the Celt."

Formerly OneLeggedHershel. Poor Hershel.


16. The only place to find a horse in ancient Pompeii was the arena, specifically the basement, necessitating going back to the same set 37 times in this 105-minute movie.

17. Originality be damned. If you're a gladiator you must have a black sidekick who dreams of home with little wooden trinkets, a taller Germanic gladiator to serve as a foil and background gladiators will of course be called out as Thracians. And this is not how I remember the battle went.

18. Feminist abolitionists were allowed to speak their mind 2000 years ago. It would have been an insufferable tragedy to match your daughter with a wealthy ex-centurion senator who lived in opulence in Rome. Said daughter gonna do what she want.

19. Pompeii's status as a sex haven for wealthy roman elites featured zero nudity.

20. A slave since age 3, alone and horseless, hero still mastered his people's gift of horsemanship.

21. Let's ride away off into the moonlight. Nah, on second thought u better get home.

22. Lifeboats always gonna leave half full, leaving the masses who can't bribe to their horrible fates.

"I can't help but notice that there are skulls all over everything. Are we the baddies?"


Regarding no. 20, that's a good observation.


He looked more like 6 or 7, and remember he could ride before he could walk, so he'd been riding for 5 or 6 years already.


You forgot to add - kids, don't try that at home :)


I don't know if you are using this as proof the movie was bad but....

7) There was a Tsunami in Pompeii
10) Eruptions also cause electrical storms.

those two thing happen with volcano's. Lighting storms are pretty common and with the amount of water displaced by the land slide and falling rocks would make a tsunami likely.

6) You can talk to a horse, with your eyes.

In a lot of tribes that were horsemen this was a common thing. It's not 'talking' to them, it's using body language to communicate. Actually most "horse whispers" today do what he did.


There was no Tsunami at Pompeii, it was 1/2 a mile inland.



We aren't discussing a documentary but a movie. In the movie there was a tsunami. The events of the volcano made it very plausible and probable for a tsunami.

Also according to my Earth science class there was one.


Also tsunami waters can travel 2 miles inland very easily.


Oh and that would have been so FUNNY were it meaningful! In actuality, tsunamis can do what they want, including go 1/2 mile inland. Or did you not see what happened with the Indonesian tsunami?


the Pompeii tsunami wasnt that big, and the point is that Pompeii isnt even on the coast. Unlike in the movie.


The only witness describes behavior from the ocean that is only present preceding a tsunami :

Far away in Misenum, Pliny the Younger and his mother joined other refugees escaping the earthquakes rocking their city. They observed, “…the sea retreating as if pushed by the earthquakes.” This was probably caused by a tsunami at the climax of the eruption, which gives us the time frame for historical record. Pliny writes of “black and horrible clouds, broken by sinuous shapes of flaming wind.” He describes people wheezing and gasping because of that wind; the same wind that doomed the people of Pompeii.

And if you think a 1/2 mile is anything to a tsunami, I invite you to watch the footage of the Japanese or Indonesian tsunamis, both of which exceeded one mile, then come back with an entirely different outlook, bearing in mind of course that those tsunamis did not have the additional benefit of a 100 million ton or so landslide or shock waves caused by an exploding volcano that close to the shore working up the size of the tsunamis.



7) There was a Tsunami in Pompeii
10) Eruptions also cause electrical storms.

those two thing happen with volcano's. Lighting storms are pretty common and with the amount of water displaced by the land slide and falling rocks would make a tsunami likely.

You are correct that an eruption CAN cause a Tsunami. However, where Pompeii was concerned, this did not happen. (The ancient town of Pompeii was not directly on the ocean. Although the coast was nearer to it in ancient times than today, its walls (which defined the city) ended about a half mile away. However, the nearby separate town of Herculaneum, also devastated during the eruption, was on the ocean).

Me nem nesa


Killer dead things Mikey... DEAD things!


23. The greatest gladiator in the Roman Empire was named after a Nestlé product

24. A Roman senator typically remained single until the age of fifty, and would then attempt to force a pretty twenty-something into marriage.

25. A horse could outrun a pyroclastic flow with one rider but not with two.

26. It makes perfect sense for people to attempt to chop one another to pieces in the midst of flaming lava, poisonous gases and falling debris from a volcanic eruption.


"A Roman senator typically remained single until the age of fifty, and would then attempt to force a pretty twenty-something into marriage."

It's called "pulling a Clooney". 

When I'm gone I would like something to be named after me. A psychiatric disorder, for example.


27. Gladiators are excellent in finding their way around a city into which they just arrived the previous day, findind the way to the governors villa which they only visited once, even when buildings are on fire and collapsing around you.

28. Gladiators just know that all servants and soldiers will abandon the governor's daughter while she's locked up. (Okay, one slave girl remained, just to tell him in which room she's locked up). What would he have done if she had fled already?

29. Senators like to travel in style, so take the time to take a chariot instead of just jumping on the first horse while the world around you goes up in flames. Something with wheels is so much more comfortable while the streets are full of cracks and debris from collapsing houses. Comfort above all!


30. Every cliché that exists has been around since Roman times.

31a. Roman Senators were extremely super-strong. Even using both hands and your full body weight with gravity on your side, they can stop you stabbing them with just one arm.

31b. But their weakness is that it takes them about twenty minutes to do a thumbs down.

32. Roman swords break very easily once embedded in human flesh.

33. The Roman Empire was ruled by the English upper class.

"Does it always have to be bigger?" Ben Mears, writer.


34. Pompeii was a Harbor city.

35. When volcanoes erupt they spout out boulders that have TNT inside them so that they explode on impact.

36. Pompeiians were not considering themselves to be Romans. In fact they hated Rome and would rebel at the first chance.


37)Roman senators and their second in command never age
38)Romans never keep their promise
38)Don't let slave trader on your ship because that ship will be definetely destroyed
39)black man has long life span and twice more power after they are stabbed


40. It's easy to pick a lock with a piece of wood but slaves can't.
41. We need to get back to an arena to continue the fight especially if a volcano is erupting.
42. You get hot chicks even if you're a slave as long as you're Jon Snow.


43. With a slight flick of the wrist, you can snap a horses neck
44. You know nothing Jon Snow.


34. Pompeii was a Harbor city.

35. When volcanoes erupt they spout out boulders that have TNT inside them so that they explode on impact.

The ignorance of some people is astounding. Their willingness to display this ignorance to the world... even more so.

Pompeii was a harbor city. Look it up on Google and you'll get a map and everything.

Yes, a boulder hitting the ground can cause an explosion. It's like you've never seen a meteor hit before. Go look up "meteor Russia 2013": that's a boulder exploding in mid-air. It didn't carry TNT and it didn't even hit the ground - still exploded.

You should not use the internet until you learn to Google before you write.


Pompeii is on the coast now. But 2000 years ago it was 1/2 a mile inland and Herculaneum was its harbour.


It is still inland. When you get off the train to enter the ruins you are well away from the coast and much higher than sea level.


Kudos for #30 and #33.


45) Don't even bother watch this movie - the poster, and eventually the DVD cover, shows the ending.


46) 15 lashes is no big deal, you'll be up and fleeing the city by tomorrow.


messs-ae said:

46) 15 lashes is no big deal, you'll be up and fleeing the city by tomorrow.

LOL so true, and he even fought before that and you don't even see scars never mind open wounds on his back.

-only uneducated minds are not open to any ideas other than their own.


loved this thread.. it pretty much covers all the funny details of the movie.

n) slaves can save your daughter when your city is flooded
