Utterly Ridiculous. Spoilers!
The filmmakers spent so much time on the realism of the eruption that they forgot just about everything else.
Sure, anyone can snap a horse's neck like a chicken leg. I literally laughed out loud at this one.
And yes, it's widely known that while natural disasters are occurring, it is very important to people to confront their enemies and air out their grievances before they die. Yes, this happens all the time.
I think my favorite is the very end shot. Sure, everyone knows that museums are full of concrete casts of people that died during the eruption while standing up in various poses. REALLY?
This movie is just full of ridiculousness. I know that we are supposed to suspend our disbelief while watching a film, but when a film is simply too unbelievable, that's a bit hard.
I can see why it wasn't looked on favorably by the critics.
I feel sorry for Kit Harington in that his first mainstream (Well, unless you count Silent Stupidness 3D) starring role had to be in a piece of garbage like this. He's enjoyable in Game of Thrones. Yes, there are some complete impossibilities in GOT, as well, but at least it's wholly enjoyable.
The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?