MovieChat Forums > Magic Mike (2012) Discussion > I love men to death but....

I love men to death but....

I'd be embarrassed if one of them gyrated and put their manhood an inch from my face. I'd be blushing like mad.

I'm a Vic Morrow Chick! He's my love!


Not me. But I'm a shameless hussy


I would be embarrassed as hell! If it was in front of a crowd of people.
If it was just me and Channing Tatum, don't make me go there...



I've been to a male strip club in Vegas for a Bachelorette. They didn't show their ding dongs lol and you weren't allowed to touch/grab them in that area.

My friend bought me a lap dance and I felt so awkward. Mostly because I felt like I was buying affection. Not worth it IMO

do IMDB people have nothin better to do? =P


They didn't show their chocolate snack cakes?

Established 1976


My friend bought me a lap dance and I felt so awkward. Mostly because I felt like I was buying affection. Not worth it IMO

Truer words have never been spoken. feels kinda uncomfortable to be honest since its basically a random stranger gyrating on you. To add the cherry on the cake, its *after* you've paid them money. I had the first and only experience recently at a friend's hen's night and honestly, it didn't feel "right" at all. Meh...


In my opinion, most women don't go to that sort of place the way men go to a stripclub, like it's some real life 'almost' porn. Most women go because it's hilarious and you have a good laugh with your girlfriends.


I'd be embarrassed if one of them gyrated and put their manhood an inch from my face. I'd be blushing like mad.
Not me! I'd love every second of it. I'd keep my hands off, of course (if I were in the dancer's shoes, I'd expect the same), but I'd take in the experience.

"Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in my Armpit One Midsummer Morning." Douglas Adams


Then don't go to see male strippers. The POINT is to have an incredibly hot man all up close and personal. Men like that are only onstage, in the movies or gay.


Up close is one thing;having his package right in my face is another.

Established 1976


I would not mind AT ALL!


I'd be embarrassed if one of them gyrated and put their manhood an inch from my face. I'd be blushing like mad.

That's part of the "fun" of going to a strip show. In real life, women in the audience are not 100% into it. Usually a lot of women are too shy or embarrassed to interact with the dancers. So the bold ones get several turns.

At a male strip show, some women have fun just clapping and cheering. Other women have fun being part of the show. The movie didn't really show that audience mixture. I guess it would look too boring.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


I've been to only one male review and I was a little embarrassed at first. The one guy came over to our table,took my hands off my lap and placed them on his chest.

It was not like the kind of strip show in this movie. I would be mortified if I saw a strange man's penis. LOL. I read "Playgirl" but that's different that seeing it up close. :)

Established 1976


Ha, ha! I don't think I'd be *embarrassed*...although I'm not sure how much I'd like it. I guess it would depend on my mood that night and what exactly went on, heh. I would be willing to go for fun, but I'd imagine it's probably not my kinda thing to do more than once or twice.


Ha ha, Generally, I'd be embarrassed and uncomfortable but, if I were one of the extras in this movie, hell i'd enjoy every minute of it.


I dont understand why it is ok for a female stripper to be completely nude but not a male stripper. I never understood paying all that money just to use your imagination!! lol I guess if they can dance like this it is cool but i'd rather have my one on one time with my husband!


Yeah, I'd have to agree there...although I can't deny that I would probably have enjoyed being an extra in the movie. xD
