A Bit Flat!

I remember the small hype of Magic Mike a few years ago and only recently decided to give it a shot as one of my girlfriend's said it was a bit boring.

My take on it is that the movie in itself isn't too bad, the acting is okay... But the director could have spent a little more time making some scenes more intriguing and intense.

The actors were so so for me, for example -:

Matthew Mc is always stellar in any performance. He absorbed that role of "Strip Club Owner" and gyrated and flexed with all his energy and enthusiasm.

Channing Tatum is a better dancer than he is an actor. I've seen him in Step UP and Dear John and I always assume he will be better in the next movie I see him in, however, he always comes across as a wooden actor. Maybe it's his characters... But it's hard for me to connect with his less than intriguing performances.

The newbie dancer isn't too bad either. He plays the role well.... A bit stiff but hey, they're men stripping... i won't expect the finesse of a woman.

The sister was not likeable. I guess her role is to be assertive. she's okay but her character needed more development.

For me I will give the movie a 6/10.

It needs better pacing and more oomph!šŸ˜


I agree. I applaud them for trying to make something more of the story than some cheap, silly movie about strippers. But it didn't really stir anything in me. (Certainly not anything from the male strippers, I was more covering my face in my hands from second-hand embarrassment.)

I was going to say that I think Channing Tatum has become a better actor as time goes on, but I guess this movie was just 3 years ago. Maybe some other roles just fit him better. I think roles that have more comedy in them suit him a lot better. If he doesn't have some comedy to work with, he just seems flat. Look at 21/22 Jump Street for example. "My name's Jeff."

Anyhow, The Kid and his sister were both just kind of 'eh' as far as acting and characters. She had major resting bitch face, but it worked for her character I guess, since she was kind of aloof.

The guy who played Tarzan, the wrestler whose name I don't recall, is pretty much the worst dancer EVER. It was very distracting.

The movie JUST finished, and as the credits roll, I just feel like maybe the reason was so hard to get into is that it really barely skims the surface of any of these characters. Mike, Strip Club Owner, and Brook are really the only characters that have more than a handful of lines or presence. The Kid is there, but he just stands there looking useless most of the time.


"The Kid is there, but he just stands there looking useless most of the time"

That's definitely hilarious. I couldn't agree more. I guess maybe his role was to just be a stand in and observe, but, you're right, he just stands there most of the time, it's like you wouldn't even miss him.

The sister as you mentioned, I just did not like her and was appalled as to how Mike would be attracted to her as a person. I'm not bashing the actress' looks or anything but her character is as dull as a butter knife, she's not interesting and she's just plain and difficult to watch.

I really also tried my best to feel the connection between the sister and Mike but it just didn't work... They have no Chemistry.
