MovieChat Forums > Magic Mike (2012) Discussion > Epically terrible!!!!!!

Epically terrible!!!!!!

This could be the worst movie I've ever seen. Wow, Channing Tatum is just a wooden actor. He can't show even the tiniest's like watching a teenager trying to act in front of their bedroom mirror. And that chick he likes? Yikes! She's horrible!!!!! Poor Matthew McConahey just embarrassed himself by appearing in this before he got his oscar. Ugh, just a train wreck!!!!!


He clearly enjoyed himself. :-)


You must be a guy.



This film came highly recommended. But after seeing it twice, I have to agree, its just an awful film. Bad acting, no discernible plot, a story that goes nowhere, what are the redeeming qualities?

The only reason I can see this film being made was as a vanity piece for Matthew McConahey, which is just pathetic.

Channing Tatum is a ridiculously overrated commodity. Terrible actor.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


Well...I guess the critics and the box office disagree with you...but that's ok..all my friends and I loved the movie, and can't wait for MM2...


YES! Channing is a horrible actor. Mediocre looks and inability to act. The only thing he has going for him is hes body and dancing. He was the ugliest of everyone on this film...well *beep*


Agreed. This was terrible, I really don't understand why this got so many accolades. The dialogues were some of the worst I've ever heard, the acting was horrendous (none of these people can act including McConahey who just plays himself in every movie. If the story fits people are like: he's an amazing actor! No he's just playing himself with the same accent as usual.) And the cinematography was rubbish (the yellow tint was nonsense).


It's sad how low the standard is for movies these days. I would never watch this again, never recommend it, and certainly would never see a sequel.

Not interesting, not sexy. Just boring.


I was just talking to someone about this. I said I couldn't tell if Channing is talented or is he more like Joey from "Friends". I think the latter.


I agree lol. I tried watching it once before and turned it off after Matthew's first appearance. I decided to try again tonight and have been doing laundry, cleaning, making something to eat, chatting on facebook and coming on here. I dont get the hype with this trash at all. The only thing this *beep* has going for it is the dancing....except that big Tarzan guy...whoever casted him needs to be smacked. I would be uber pissed if I went to a strip club, paid my money and that big statue came out.

