People keep talking about the film's "meaning" and "message," and quite frankly, there ISN'T one.

This movie is a cathartic revenge fantasy, nothing more. It just shows what happens when somebody actually goes out and does something that, deep down and at one time or another, we want to do.

"Transcend the Bullsh#t." - Harold Balazs


Sadly, a movie can't just be an entertaining story anymore. People keep trying to use the skills they learned in a High School English class and find the deeper meanings or symbols. Everything has an agenda or a moral or some other b.s. and it just gets out of hand.

Freud said it best, "Sometimes a cigar is just repressed childhood sexual traumas associated with your father."


Not every writer puts pen to paper hoping to crank out a "Schindler's List" ya know.

Remember there are a lot of bikini car wash movies that are far worse than this one.


There was a message, but it was basic and... like you said a "fantasy" set in a caricature world.

It was camp and quaint... for a more well executed satire of similar themes, look at the many works of Charlie Brooker including black mirror and screenwipe


The message is that America has become a colossal degenerate shíthole.

...which I disagree with. The Fascist States of America have always been that way.



There was a message. But you obviously didn't get it.



There really wasn't any message ... it was more of a commentary.

I enjoyed it for release and entertainment value.
