Hitler would support this film.
It's incredibly fascist. You could look at the film in at least two ways and both of them lead back to Fascism.
1. The guy in his self-appointed fury rationalizes the killing of people he deems unworthy to live. He even finds others (the girl) to support his philosophy and conquest. Hitler, Naziism, and the Holocaust anyone? And before you say "It's just a movie"...this is exactly the point the film is speaking to--making broad sweeping generalizations about groups of people and punishing them for being part of that group--in a glorified way. This is Fascist propaganda in the same vein of Goebbal's films. Had the guy not acted on his hatred of specific groups, the people in those specific groups would have lived. I don't think there's any doubt that the "final solution" would not have occurred without Hitler in power.
2. Further dissecting the film through the "fourth wall". The film is pure propaganda with a main storyline that espouses the destruction of anyone who "spreads fear to the masses". Really? Isn't this film really doing the same? Propaganda (Webster's):
-the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
-ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also: a public action having such an effect
This film turned itself into what it hates the most. They kill some satire of a talk show host because he is "mean", and admittedly because of his politics. Let me stop right here and say that I'm independent, and I mostly hate the bullsh** from both sides. I do not support Fascism, however, which is why I choose to point out this film's Fascist leanings here. Fascism doesn't work without propaganda--it slowly convinces the masses to segregate themselves from those people they deem "lower" than themselves--effectively building a wall around their society and demonizing outsiders.
Bobcat. Seriously? This is a guy who made a career out of pretending he was drunk or speaking unintelligibly. Now he realizes he's on the back nine of his life and he wants to make a statement. A statement? Not really. He's doing exactly what the film says is idiotic: Pretending to be edgy by espousing the same crap that is said every day by people with the same beliefs. Anyway, that rant is over, doesn't matter anyway.
New post: PLOT HOLES
1. How can the audition for this American Idol type show be happening (where they start following the Steven kid) in the beginning of the show and then like a week later, the finale is happening? I know these spree killers weren't able to do what they were doing for an entire season of the show, especially with their faces all over TV.
2. And how could the girl, with her face on TV, just go back to her parents, no problem? No one would ask where she had been, or why she was recorded exiting a theater after a mass shooting?
3. What about the network of the singing show keeping the show on air after a madman starts killing people? Would never happen. No way this guy shoots up the place and then is able to make some crazy gunman speech on live national television.
4. (subtle plot inconsistency) If they hate it so much, why are they watching satire of this ultra Conservative talk show? At his home, in the hotel room...they sure watch a lot of it for something they hate. I just don't watch things I don't want to...