The stupidity and ignorance of the right-wing never ceases to boggle my mind. And, yet again, we see that evidenced here from the OP and the other right-wing idiots in this thread. They say over half of everyone you meet are of below average intelligence and it's true. They're every right-winger you've ever met. In fact it's been proven by several university studies now.
He murders people based upon who they are.
No he delivers retribution - a biblical concept you right-wing kooks champion all the time - to people based upon their ACTIONS. The Westboro types protesting with their message of hate, the stock broker type taking up two parking spots and being a selfish prick about it, etc. He doesn't just wander around randomly shooting anyone.
He thinks they are hateful, and really they are just sketches of what he thinks they are.
Wrong again. He knows they're hateful and selfish. Or maybe you don't grasp the English language well enough to know that signs like "God Hates Fags!" is, in fact, hatemongering.
Most obviously is the Tea Party, which has never been involved in a violent act that can be proven. Can you prove one?
Are you high? Violence breaks out at Tea Party rallies like clockwork. There's a service called Google. Try it. Search for the words tea+party+violence and watch all the returns you get.
Why wasn't the Occupy movement talked about, because it is left wing? They have been involved in lots of violence, but I guess it wouldn't fit with Bobcat's propaganda machine.
And yet again you miss the point - surprise, surprise. The Tea Party are bunch of self-serving hypocrites who are only united by their common greed, stupidity, racism, and bigotry. I still love that famous shot at that Tea Party rally of that Teabagger with the sign that reads "Keep yor damn socialist hands off my medicare!" I'd laugh for the stupidity of it if it wasn't so pathetic and indicative of the entire party. The Occupy movement on the other hand is a movement that represents the best interests of EVERYONE in the country and around the globe. Of reigning in the madness that's the unchecked aggression of the elites and the destruction of the middle-class. It's about everyone getting a fair shake. Oh right, but that sounds too much like socialism so it must be evil. Well, when you and your family and friends are all out on the streets looking to work for food you just remember that, sport.
He hates people that are mean, and says that the Glenn Beckish character is mean, yet he leaves Rachel Maddow and Bill Maher alone.
You're seriously comparing people like Maddow and Maher to someone like Beck. Are you on Oxy? Like your pal, Rush? You must be high.
He shoots the rich white girl in the head, but leaves he people on welfare alone who are always screaming for more even though they get everything handed to them for free. Public housing with escalades parked outside is the ultimate irony that this movie missed.
Really. People on welfare are screaming for more? And where does this occur. Ever been to public housing? A) There isn't much of it left anymore B) It's barely a step up from being homeless. If it's such a wonderful free for all, why not try it for a while and then come tell us how amazing it is! Yeah, the average welfare recipient in the US gets about $300 per month and $200 in food stamps. Oh yeah, livin' the dream there. I can see how they can all afford those Escalades.
The stupidity of your post, your lack of critical thinking really just floors me that anyone can be so utterly ignorant and moronic. And what's worse is there are millions of you out there. And you're completely out of touch with reality. Completely! Is there a name for this little fantasy world of yours? This reality distortion field you live in? Seek psychiatric help. Take meds. Seriously.