Gotoads, I'm very sorry about your sister, and what's been written here about her and your family is horrible and cruel. But Casey did not do anything wrong, nor was she "asking" to be kidnapped or murdered. Did Leah ask to be taken from her own home, tortured, and killed? No. It's insulting to the victims of any crime to say that they were asking for it. Should all women wear sackcloth and cover their faces so they don't attract the attention of crazy people like this guy? Not in this country.
The only thing I think Casey could have done differently is that she should have walked to her car with someone else. Where I live, there are guards at the local malls that will walk you to your car if you ask them. I have no doubt that Casey would have been safe AT THAT MOMENT if she had an armed guard with her.
I hope that you and your family are able to deal with the loss of your sister. No one deserves to be victimized by the crazies that are running around out there.