Movies like this?



What about movies like this?


I would like to know too, if anyone knows about a movie this suspenseful and realistic (minus the last 15 minutes).
I do know about a short that reminded me of this movie though:


Me too. I wish they would do a show about this character or something like this.


Sloppy opportunistic serial killers who kill but are weak and could be beat if the victim wasnt a little girl or unsuspecting guy? Dahmer, Falling Down, The Stepfather, Vacancy,


Makes me think of the tv show Criminal Minds because of the serial killer. Even the ending was similar except that the FBI shows up to get the criminals in the end of the show. This movie had the 911 operator stupidly go out to find the girl, that would never happen. Even if it turned out well, the operator would be fired because that's not part of their job and could turn out tragically which would lead to lawsuits either from the victim/victim's family or the 911 operator/911 operator's family. I get it though that the movie was about Halle Berry and Abigail Breslin so they had to do more than just be a victim and a 911 operator merely doing her job to help the victim.


Not quite the same premise but the film The Collector (1965) with Terrence Stamp comes to mind.


Did you see the "more like this" section imdb offers with every film?
