Biggest plot hole

I liked the movie overall, and despite being fairly predictable in some spots, i thought it did a good job of keeping the tension high.

My biggest issue was with the fact that the cops didn't find his underground lair to begin with. So, they brought an entire SWAT team out to his creepy house, took one glance and saw nobody was in it, so they ALL left? They didn't search the grounds at all? I mean, some would leave to continue the case and follow leads, but a bunch would have stayed back to look for clues. Because they easily would have found the trap door in the ground (just as Jordan did) if they had done 10% of the work a normal police force does.


Not a plot hole. It was purely lacklustre writing and sub par character work, in that scene.


Ok. Lets say they found it. What would happen next? They killed the bad guy and everyone lived happily ever after. Is that how you want this movie to be? Zzz


It was camouflaged. The cops must've searched the grounds, in case he was hiding in the backyard or in the brush. He had scattered dirt and branches on the hatch to conceal. Sure it's possible 1 of the cops might've stumbled on it like Halle did, but exactly because he didn't want the hatch visible is why the kidnapper went to the trouble of hiding it. It was probably dug in the 1st place as a bomb shelter during the Cold War. If ur looking for a plot hole, it's Halle Berry stumbling across in pitch darkness, what a platoon of cops couldn't trip over in broad daylite.


Right, because it's easy to cover a trapdoor with dirt etc. from inside it. Right?


WTF? He access it from the house. Anyway, the movie shows Halle Berry brushing off dirt and removing a branch.


The cops searched the house with a forensics team knowing they were looking for a serial killer. They couldn't find his secret door? Naw, huge plot hole. Why the hell didn't the kid keep waving her arm out the tail light hole the whole trip? That would bring a flood of 911 calls. Lame.


The biggest plot hole is when he first kidnapped her at the mall and didn't even check all of her pockets for ways she might escape (the extra phone). Obviously not that smart since that's what I would have done, but I suppose it had to happen that way or else there wouldn't have been a plot but I'm sure there are other ways she could have gotten a hold of a phone if you thought really hard about it.


Yes but she heard the sound od that metal on the recorder


People should really find out what a plot hole is before posting about non-existent ones.

...then whoa, differences...
