I guess you all saw episode 5, which was great but I had a hard time to see how the hell did "Gillian Anderson" got cast in this show and all these iconic characters she is trying so hard to project with her lame acting?.
Seriously, Gillian Anderson's plastic surgery has really gone to her head to think she is this talented thespian character "Actor"??????
I could not see how she got into the show "Hannibal"?...then I saw her in "War and Peace", that was even more confusing to me and I lost interest in that series because of her poor performance. How she is landing these parts just because she has a name in Hollywood?. And her performance in this show "American Gods" has topped the pathetic stage as first as Lucy, then David Bowie and Marlyn Monroe ?. that was an insult to Marlyn..Lol
its just like piece that doesn't fit the this show's cast?. ..the casting for that role should have been an unknown. I guess some people like GA just can't get enough of themselves to stroke their own ego.
Yeah, I agree. I think she dropped the acting ball a lo-o-o-o-o-o-ong time ago.
I think she was even worse in the last season of X-files. She delivered her lines like there's a paycheck waiting on the table.
Yes I agree, I personally never liked her even in X-files that much, especially after her big transformation change. She seems very very insecure and she is trying so hard to reinvent herself to compete or be considered as some glamour actress, rather than just focusing on being an actor. There are many beautiful women who are actors such as "Robin Wright" whose acting become the focus of the role and not so much the narcissism that GA is consumed by. That Marlyn Monroe scene was the worst Marlyn I have ever seen, she looked hideous floating in air but the acting was even worse and it was like a parody of Marlyn on some Saturday night live skid....Lol
You sound like you and Komrad are the same person. hmmmmm. I completely disagree with any of your negatives, you sound like a crusader who knows nothing of which they speak of.
You also sound like a FANBOY Crusader and one of GA's hardcore worshipers that I use to run into at IMDB..Lol. I admit I don't like GA at all, but that is my choice and it has nothing to do with what I think of her "acting" which sucks. I don't like some actors like "Billy Bob Thorton" either; but he is a good actor. I had never seen "Ricky Whittle" in any film or show before but he is good and focused actor.
I think you know very little about GA's transformation since X-Files and how much plastic surgery and lipo suction she has had to try to change her image, to join the hollywood glamour, that has shifted her focus inwards and yes it effects her acting too, because you can tell she is acting, do you get that?. There is that famous joke Spencer Tracy told Paul Newman, this guy wanted to become an actor and the other guy said "great, but don't get caught doing it". Most FANBOYS like you are clueless about what is acting, they don't think when they are watching; they go with the hype and what the media makes out of a pathetic person like GA who if you spoke to some real working actors would tell you her acting is below average, how she is only using her name to get into parts that doesn't fit her, but that's what fame does, its not about talent these days its more about brain washing a society to repeat the same lie over and over through every form of media (Print, TV, Social Media, Youtube, etc) to mold something into something else, its just another way of marketing.
Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny should only work when it's with each other. Separate they're both pretty mediocre. Together they have a chemistry that's -- for lack of a better word -- magical. They each elevate the other's game. Nick and Nora Charles, Batman and Robin, Han Solo and Chewbacca, Holmes and Watson and only a few other duos have any business being mentioned in the same breath as Scully and Mulder .
What a load of mean crap. You have no proof she has had that kind of plastic surgeries, she just lost weight and looks great. She is an excellent actor who has abandoned the Hollywood circus to live in London, and that has cost her a lot of acting gigs. But, those who work with her like to use her again or admire her work. The prestigious awards shes been nominated for and one's she's won, attest to that. I AM an admirer of her work, but not a fanatic. I do know a bit about what constitutes acting and agree with critics that Ms A is a very very good actress who has been overlooked to many times for major movie roles or meatier roles because she does not stay in Hollywood or play that game, which can be vicious. When I reacted to your post, it was because I feel it would be wrong to let such a biased, one sided, wrong and mean spirited post stand. I'd do this for any actor I favored, and I do like many because of their talent AND who they are as persons. Ms A does tons of charity work (can u name one??) and is a learned, self aware person who has worked to be whole person. I derived this by following her and her work, statements and pertinent info written by others. I'm not ashamed I like to follow actors and see their work, maybe you do, too. Not wrong.Certainly better than ONLY commenting on the negatives of a show, not showing a level review. But you seem obsessed on being overly critical and negative, one of the things that ruined the IMDB forums - too many juvenile (literally), gossipy, mean spirited gossip mongers and not enough thought on the finer aspects of media and those in it. One snarky (esp on looks), over the top comment after another, with no real understanding of the big picture. I'm not clueless on acting, I have actors in my family and been observing acting a lot longer than you, a lot. Yes, I too like RW, wouldn't be harsh to her if she did a bad job, cause it's more than just actors work in a performance. Ta
Any woman over 40 who looks good has had "plastic surgery" according to the Moronic Troll Guide to the Internet, don't overthink it.
Anyone who looks at HQ pictures will see that she has aged, gracefully so but she has wrinkles and other marks of a woman getting older and shocker! she does get better with age.
But really when a troll starts his little hatefest by talking about appearance, you know he's just a hater so the best thing is to let him starve for attention before this place becomes IMDB all over again.
I disagree with such a blanked statement as "any woman has". Not saying GA hasn't had non invasive stuff done, but no major, IMHO. You are so right about trolls, I should have known. sigh. To me, I enjoy talking about positive aspects of actors, celebs, movies, entertainment. The aspects of movie making, plots, things I don't "get" and other posts can help with. I am older, not interested in blasting a celeb on appearance, (usually) but only asshats get off on it. When I do get favorite actors, an GA is one, it's because their talent has impressed me, and if their personal life is good, that counts too. It's hard to put up with haters, some are obviously unhappy with themselves and some are young or just immature. Of course all actors age, we all do. Yes, I don't want this site to go away, this type of troll or negativity that those posters did, helped ruin IMDB. As usual, some negative people ruin it for those at least trying to be fair. And I'm not talking about a little snarky talk, just the type I was referring to.Thanks for listening. ta