Question about the Jinn.
What did he mean by "I don't grant wishes"? And did he transfer his essence to the salesman, and now he's switched bodies? I don't fully understand what happened there.
shareWhat did he mean by "I don't grant wishes"? And did he transfer his essence to the salesman, and now he's switched bodies? I don't fully understand what happened there.
shareTo the second question - yes, I think so. As for the first question, it hasn't been explained yet, and I do wonder what a jinn's power actually is in this story. If someone read the book, I'd like to hear it.
shareThanks, I was a bit confused about what heppened.
I wonder what his power is too. I'm not familiar with either the book, or the folklore behind Jinns, so more insight is always welcomed.
More evidence that you need either a decoder ring or the Rosetta Stone to understand what's going on.
shareI'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they're trying to create intrigue. But what that's coming across is more confusion that anything else.
I'm still uncertain if this is a story about Shadow or a story about the Old World Gods fighting DJ Digital Fresh and the New Millennium Pantheon. And the season's half over.
Hi, Mina 😄. i'm afraid that "confusion"pretty much summarizes this series, Mina. It's a mess. I think that time will tell that it is a miss. Half-way through the first season and I am bored and uninvolved. Contrast this with
season 3 of Twin Peaks, where am involved and engaged.
There's the good kind of confusion, and then there's the bad kind of confusion... This feels more like the latter. I'm not above enjoying a mess every now and again, and I'm curious enough to keep watching, but they're not making it very easy.
shareI suspect that Starz is making the show a "teaser" for second season. If it succeeds, they might go for season two. The show "penny dreadful" was stopped, with a rushed ending cause of low ratings. Maybe cable is testing this, too. I think all the confusion is going to be fleshed out in season two. A lot of groundwork is being laid now, and unknowns in it, but I think season two will be more forth coming. After all, season one was ONLY 8 episodes. I'm willing to stick with it, it's a different type show.
shareI agree with you that it feels like a teaser. They've been just setting things up so far. I think that's unfair to the audience, though. To make us sit through 8 hours of set up, and then wait however many months for the actual story to kick in... It doesn't sit entirely right with me.
I've stuck with it so far, so I'll probably check out season 2. It has been renewed already.
Your crystal ball was clouded, debnova1.
shareYou were wrong. Season 2 was much worse.
Quelle surprise.
I don't know where the TV show is going to go but I do know that the Djinn doesn't make a memorable appearance again after the hotel scene in the book. I think the idea in the book was to try and flesh out the many old gods of the past there are and how, because gods can't die, they have had to adapt to a reality where being worshipped is a commodity rarely available to them - hence the Taxi driving Djinn takes what he can.
The wishes part comes from the word genie deriving from the word Djinn.
Just like the word Wednesday derives from Odin's day.
I think we'll have to wait and see how true to the original story the show is before we can say whether or not the same conclusions are suggested for their audiences.
Thanks for the insight :)
It does shed some light on what's happening, but I don't know how well they're communicating that in the show itself (if it's not a different approach from the book). I'm going to assume that that idea was more clear in the book itself. Right now, to me, their inclusion seems a bit random.
I saw on IMDb that the actor playing the Jinn is in 4 episodes, so I just assumed he's going to play a bigger role down the line.
It has been only 4 episodes so far (even if it's half the season), so it's relatively early days. I just hope things become much clearer as the story progresses.
Don't trust the episode count for a character on this show. IMDb claims Gillian Anderson is in 6 episodes, but I've only seen her in 1. It says Mad Sweeney is in EVERY episode! Would that it were true. He and Wednesday are the only ones who interest me.
shareEven the IMDb listings are confusing us. Fulleeer!!!
I think that so far they're the only two that are actually doing something and have a goal.
So, when we saw these two guys together, we were looking at a Djinn and Tonic?
shareI'm assuming there's got to be a connection between the Jinn and the fiery-eyed Bison Shadow keeps seeing?