MovieChat Forums > Death in Paradise (2011) Discussion > Stopped watching (Spoilers I guess)

Stopped watching (Spoilers I guess)

I stopped because after a few episodes with the new guy......he was dumb and annoying despite solving cases.

Really annoying.

Miller said he felt bad about leaving his family.

Simple solution

MOVE THE FAMILY to the location.

Anyway gave it a shot but he really is annoying. And a poor choice.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


Lots of folks seem to have an opinion about the change of main characters of "Death in Paradise." Okay, here is mine:

In our family, we welcome Kris Marshall as the new Inspector, replacing the dour, surly Ben Miller. And, as a major bonus, the addition of the sunny Josephine Jobert to replace Sara Martins is a surprise treat. She is great.

"Death in Paradise" is a much better show with this new cast.


God Bless America!


I agree, Kris has made the show more "breathable". Poole was okay for an episode or two, but I found his uptightness extremely annoying - and I'm British!

As for Camille, she annoyed the hell out of me. Always mocking Poole, and Poole always mocking everything that wasn't British. And seriously, even my grandma would wear a t-shirt in that weather. It really isn't realistic, even for someone who's supposedly uptight, to wear a full suit in that kind of weather. It's funny for one episode, but it honestly dragged on because Poole did it for two whole seasons.

I like Ben as an actor, but his character is one that's very hard to identify with. Humphrey is much more likeable and believable.


I stopped watching also after Poole was killed off. He was my favorite character. I think the producer made a big mistake.


You really think picking up and temporarily moving a family with a young child from England to the Caribbean every year is a "simple solution"? Seriously?


New girl, Camille's replacement is even worse. Dull, boring, and can't act.
