MovieChat Forums > The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) (2015) Discussion > Horror-Comedy That is Neither Scary or F...

Horror-Comedy That is Neither Scary or Funny

Simply a gross movie that doesn't take itself seriously at all. If they used the same cast and story but made it serious, like the first one, this might could have been something. As it is the movie is just a series of nasty events that are all silly but not at all funny. Unfortunately this made for quite a boring movie. Not sure what the film maker was trying to do here.


it is not a comedy. it is a satire. a very very bitter one.

"Not sure what the film maker was trying to do here."



Yea but what is the point of the movie? What is it satirizing? I genuinely enjoy Dieter Laser but the movie is utterly stupid.


it is satirizing the usa in each and every aspect: politically, socially...etc

the film is a collection of real life facts blown up to the max. starting from the choice of a porn star and a washed up US actor, over laser's ultra-mega-over-acting, over the boiling water-boarding .. etc.

the tagline is "100% politically incorrect".

one important quote from later in the film: "this is what the US needs: a human centipede".

i don't think stupid is the right word. it takes facts that are already bizarre and unbelievably wrong to begin with, like the "waterboarding is not torture" discussion or the "we need harder sentences" bs, the general state of american prisons, the fact that prison has become an industry (!!!!) ...etc and blows them even more out of proportion, up to a point where no sane person could disregard said absurdity.

i am surprised that people did not get that. if the majority of the US crowd would have understand what the film is actually about, there would be mass protests against the film, but instead we just have a 3.x rating and a whole bunch of people saying how stupid it is.


What you've explained makes more sense and no I did not have that impression when watching. Do you consider the first 2 films to be satirical? To me they were all very different other than the "experiment." I thought the first film was absolutely visually gorgeous.


well, not necessarily satirical, but at one point the series started to work on a meta level. it might have not been sixx's original intention, but once it did, he exploited that to the max. the first one for example created a ruckus in regards as to how gruesome it would be, by it's description alone. ironically those people who lost it over the film, were the ones that did not even see it to begin with, because the film itself showed almost NOTHING, yet it produced an outrage like it was guinea pig flower of flesh and blood. on the opposing side, the gorhounds yelled foul play, BECAUSE the film showed nothing.

so, what did sixx do with the second film as a response? he made a sequel, that not only fulfilled the infamousity of the first film, but went beyond those expectations. To make things even weirder, he shot and cut the film so beautifully as if it was an arthouse film, while showing the most gruesome images imaginable. he also referenced the first film as "just a film", but inspiring the events of the seond. with the second installment, he references both films, disregarding both as "just films", but as an inspiration for the third one, which hilariously actually does reference reality in every single scene. it's pure brilliance.

one more stroke of genious in the third one: it features sixx himself, who according to the 3rd film made all that gruesomeness up, but even he can't take the events of the third one, which is an exaggerated version of reality. meaning, that what happens there, in the US, is so disgusting that even his sick mind can not cope.

