I loved it !

I saw MAGGIE last Saturday night with a friend to a surprisingly half full theater (the film was released theatrically here in Italy on June 25). I was expecting just a few people to attend the showing, but I was really glad there were definitely much more.

I loved the film and everything about it - Arnold gives a terrific performance and I totally forgot it was him while watching the movie. That was something both my friend and I felt. Abigail is outstanding as Maggie and the whole movie is full of little moments that I loved. For instance, I loved it when they're at the kitchen table and Arnold's making funny faces pretending the food prepared by his wife's good just to make his daughter Maggie laugh and not make her think for a few seconds about her own predicament. I totally loved that moment and Arnold's acting there - those are the little moments in films that, to me, make a movie because you, member of the audience, recognize yourself up on the screen. And the film's full of emotion and little moments like that - personally, I don't understand what some people who didn't like the movie are talking about when they say that "nothing happens" in the film - what these characters go through is a lot, emotionally speaking, and people dismiss that as "nothing".

I rate MAGGIE an 8 out of 10.


They were expecting an action flick. Hence the "nothing happens". Arnold being there had this effect.


Totally agree. Great film, great performances, style, score... just a shame too many dumbf%c%s were expecting an Arnie/zombie slaughterhouse.

Ah well, their loss - f$ck 'em


I agree. To me, it was a little masterpiece. It hit me hard and I really loved the intimate and melancholic setting. And most of all, I really cared for the characters. Never saw this film coming, just went to see something random at the cinema, as I had already seen the films I had waited for this month.
English is not my native language, forgive my bad spelling and grammar.
