MovieChat Forums > Maggie (2015) Discussion > God damn this movie is boring

God damn this movie is boring

I'm like 75% done with it and it is just so damn boring, there's no real tension, none of the characters are interesting, including Maggie and Wade, the writing is sloppy, the cinematography dull as hell

Total disappointment, having a hard time finishing it


When I heard the plot had zombies and Arnold, I thought this is a fantastic idea!
But this is lack luster. I knew it was going to be boring just from seeing the cover.


I just finished it and I'm glad Arnie saved the shell for me


Damn, I was hoping it would pick up at some point. I'm a big Arnold fan and I've tried to sit down and watch the movie twice, but each time I keep zoning out and then I turn it off.

I love drama movies, but this one is doing nothing for me. I guess I'll send it back.


If you want to see Arnold as the terminator (robotic, predictable) then this is not the movie to watch. If you want to see a touching, thoughtful Arnold unlike you've ever seen him then this is a great movie.
