Just a warning
There has been a lot of hate thrown at this movie, and a lot of immature, close-minded bs. If you haven't seen the movie, here's your warning...if the phrase "it's like Terrence Malick did a zombie movie" has no appeal to you, don't bother watching. Also, if you were disappointed that the Governator wasn't racking up a body count, let me fill you in on something...the internet has trailers for movies long before they come out, and watching them will give you an idea as to what kind of movie you're looking at. I'm pretty sure you can even watch a few here. What we really need is filter that keeps anyone under the age of eighteen from voicing their opinions online, and a virus that kills anyone with an IQ under 100. No offense intended to those under eighteen that would survive said virus, but the needs of the many outweigh those of the few and there are too many ignorant uninformed kids running their mouths.