MovieChat Forums > Maggie (2015) Discussion > Arnold worse since?

Arnold worse since?

Well I liked sabotage though a lot dident I wasent a fan of escape or expendables 3 but I liked this even less it was to slow nothing much happened. so this is either his worse since collateral damage or batman and robin.

Yoda Rules!


You should just "get to the choppa"


why might that be?

Yoda Rules!


Maggie is far and away superior to Sabotage. In which Arnold gave one of his worst performances. It's really abysmal. Maggie isn't a particularly good movie, but it's not a bad movie. It just doesn't have enough meat on its bones. The story isn't original, but the territory being familiar can be quite forgiving in a film like this. Arnold has the same issue here as he did in Sabotage -- at least during the first third of the movie. He's just not good at conveying emotion. And that would have helped considerably here. Especially when the pace is so stately and the mood quite sombre. But at the very least it stayed true to its convictions and didn't try to exploit blood and gore or seek some kind of action-packed climax. That's worth applauding, although the ending didn't play out with enough poignancy because there's not enough to invest in with regards to the characters. But this was a good try at something different within a familiar genre, both for Arnold and with regards to the movie.



in spite of how familer how plot of sabotage was it still dident bore me. ive never watch it a second time and perhaps that more than likely would. but Maggie bored me first viewing though like I said nothing happened in it really.

Yoda Rules!


The problems with Sabotage are deeper than plot alone -- it's the tone, the characters, its structure, the acting . . . Maggie is slow and uneventful, but I do think that something resonant and poignant was being sought. It's low key, but too low key and subdued. It's a family drama in the guise of a zombie movie, or an infection movie. But I think film makers who have an idea and stick with it all the way through are brave in doing so. Sabotage didn't even have the strength of its very slim convictions. The tacked on ending is testament to that. That part is a short film in itself and despite how heavy-handed, stupid and misjudged that part is.



I thought it was Arnolds best performance ever. He was the perfect loving but stoic father


Same here.

I consider Maggie to be Arnold's best film and best performance since his return to movies.


Worst. Not worse.


This was his worst since The Last Stand which was his worst since Sabatage which was his worst.......well you get the idea.
