joley Richardson

I loved jolie in Nip Tuck and to be honest I haven't seen her in much else except Event Horizon. Seeing her in Maggie though her acting seems exactly the same as if she was still in Nip Tuck. I was expecting Sean Mcnamara to pop in any second!


In her interview on the DVD, she talks about aspects of her character - such as her being deeply religious, and this causing her to believe that those who'd "turned" we're no longer human (or something like that) - that we never see. It was filmed on or close to the final day of shooting. There's one deleted scene on (this) DVD of her and Wade, but it seems, given this interview, that others may have been cut which would have made Caroline a more fully-realized character, and we would have had more to go by in evaluating Joelt's performance.

She *did* look the part of a farmer's wife. But yes, she always takes me back to Nip/Tuck, as well!

I'm gonna need more Stevia.


That was my response exactly! In Nip / Tuck she did a fantastic job, but it felt as if we saw a scene from the show about how she lived on with Wade or something like that.

However I do think that adding more scenes to get into her character would have made no difference overall.
