The show has Rahzar but no Tokka

I'm a little disappointed that the show was able to feature Rahzar the wolf mutant but not his pal Tokka.

However since Tokka is a turtle and the show had already featured the turtle mutant Slash, it may have been too many turtles in the show.

Still, it would have been cool to see someone - Hun is the best choice - undergo a mutation involving a turtle that would turn him into one of them. But since this show is going into space with its next season, it likely won't happen.

07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.


Funny that you should mention Hun being the perfect choice for the role of Tokka because there is a rumor floating around that that scenario may just happen. Of course there was also a rumor a little while back that Slash would get double mutated into Tokka but that has been proven false, they have no plans for any more double mutations right now.


Slash already looks like he's been double mutated. I mean, he was a frigging tortoise. Now he looks likes he was originally an alligator snapping turtle. Maybe Slash was double mutated since had had an entire canister of mutagen to himself.

Thit and thpin!


Huh. That's sort of odd.

"Guys, we filmed the wrong book."-Peter Jackson on Bored of the Rings


I'm kinda worried Sash will become Tokka (like how Dogpound became Rahzar). There's already a resemblance... 

Though it looks like they're not going there.


Tokka was the movie version of Slash in all but name so adding him to the show would be redundant.
Hun became Tokka already in Turtles Forever.



I keep thinking that Hun will eventually become Tokka. Considering that Rahzar was made from a guy who resembled Chuck Norris, it seems logical that the guy based on Bruce Lee would be Tokka.


Hun did not become Tokka in Forever, that just a random foot guy. Although Hun's mutation looked kinda similar to Tokka, or Slash.
