Disturbing thought

What if Chompy Picasso becomes 2k12 Venus?

Thit and thpin!


That is a disturbing thought.

And a little sexy.


Well, she would be a 500-foot tall Venus.

07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.


*Shudder!* Oh god, please!

I don't think Chompy will get mutated but if he did he would most likely become a 2012 version of Tokka that would be more in line with the character from Secret of the Ooze. It would depend on how the mutagen would react to his alien body, but I kind of doubt that it would make him five hundred feet tall...or give him a sex change. Lol!

Besides, I like him as he is. He is a cute little guy and Raph really needed a new pet after losing Spike/Slash, so now that void has been filled. I will just be interested to get Slash's input on Chompy. 😉


How does one determine the gender of an alien reptile? Especially with those colors.

Slash has evolved beyond being a pet, so I don't imagine he'd be jealous of Chompy.

Spike would'be been a more appropriate name for Chompy than it was for pre-mutation Slash, considering he's actually spiky.

Thit and thpin!


Yeah, I think he'll become like a traditional Tokka. (I just hope he doesn't join Shredder.)

Though there are times I'm worried that April will be mutated into Venus at some point... 


Chompy getting mutated into a larger-than-the-turtles form but with the mind of an infant makes more sense than Gamera Tokka.

Wouldn't worry about April becoming Venus. She's immune to mutagen, as shown in season 2.

Thit and thpin!


That's an odd thought.

"See? He can be a real sweetheart once you get to know him"-Fluttershy


Venus appears as a design on the Turtle Party Wagon, and I took that as that it would be the only nod to her in this series.
