With the latest big screen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live-action feature, it's a good time to look at the three major animated adventures of the heroes in a half-shell. Each series have their respective pros and cons - something each did better, and unfortunately worse, in each iteration. So, looking at the 1987, 2003 and 2012 cartoons series ...
What do you consider the pros of con of each animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series?
Also, what did one series do better, or worse, when compared to the other two? Better humor, better stories, better action - which versions do you think trumped the others in those regards?
Pros- Different more serious approach more true to the comics
Cons- DVD releases, To serious at times (it is a kid show featuring teenagers), Flash Forward
Pros- pays respect to different TMNT incarnations and brings in various actors from them (Feldman, Rist, and most of the 80s cast for crossovers), fantastic voice cast (Astin, Cipes, Paulson, Peck, Whitman, Lee, Richardson), brings in great actors (Heder, Tennant, Smoove, Barr, Gottfried, Perlman), seeing the 80s series in HD, has season and series long stories
TMNT87 Pros Most of the humor is actually still pretty damn funny. Several memorable one-shot characters Possibly the best music of the franchise
Cons Animation was often horrible even by 1980's-90's standards Dregg
TMNT03 Pros Longrunning story arcs that usually had payoff Good mix of action and humor Easily the best animation from any animated installment in the franchise
Cons Bishop veers into 'villain sue' territory a lot First installment of the franchise to start relying more on toilet humor. Every succeeding version has followed. Starts getting overly silly with Fast Forward and Back to the Sewers
TMNT12 Pros This show can have some pretty decent voice actors...
Cons ...that get completely wasted most of the time Several characters going backward on previously established characterization Mikey getting turned into a Peter Griffin-like mentally challenged sociopath Donatello/April/Casey triangle that's so horrendous makes the Twilight romance seem well written April is now a psychic-powered alien Awful pacing Crappy filler constantly dragging whatever tries to pass off as a story in the series Horrendous animation The original staff left after season 1 and was replaced with a bunch of hacks who have zero experience with the property. It shows.
I find it very hard to watch Leonard when Seth Green's squeaky voice is coming out. As a child of the early 90s I've loved this take on the turtles from the villains to the pop references. I even daresay I enjoy this version more than the first cartoon...with the exception of Leo's latest voice actor.