MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Discussion > The Problem with this type of movies

The Problem with this type of movies

I think all these 'movie universes' are an incongruent mess. Every director simply does what he/she/it wants, and the heck with continuity or character consistency or common sense or anything, really, except making sure the director leaves their mark.

When you look at the rich tapestry of the comics and compare them to the formulaic and so much more narrow-minded, dullified, mundane movies, it boggles the mind.

I could forgive SO much, if these movies, however, didn't always do this same thing.

They show us something powerful and really cool, and then..

.. then..


Like, why?

Reed Richards uses his 'flexibility' not just a little bit here or there, or once in the intro, and never again, but in his EVERYDAY life, constantly. He has a power, he utilizes it for PRACTICAL, everyday reasons. Not just to defeat some epic supervillain.

Why doesn't EVERY character do this? Why don't we see MORE of the 'best part'?

Of course with this movie, the coolest part is the 'slow motion' thing, and then we never see that again. Why not? I mean, seriously, can't you STRUCTURE your movie to be more like comics, where every character CAN just 'casually' use their powers, or at least show the 'best part' of the movie.. ALL THE TIME?

Some examples of something REALLY useful and cool that is only used either once or twice, or VERY (stupidly) sparingly include..

- Force users in Star Wars original trilogy. They REALLY do not use their amazing power almost at all! In reality, it's like holodeck - it would be used ALL the time, for the most trivial matters just as much as the more important ones. Yoda could explode Death Star(s) with his mind, right? Why doesn't he? 'So the movie can happen' is not VALID.

- Dr. Strange and Wong, as shown by HISHE (so many times, too!), could use the sling rings _SO_MUCH_MORE_! I mean, so incredibly many problems could be INSTAsolved if they simply used the stuff they already have been shown to be able to do and use. But nope... they throw a cathead monster to eat a car or something instead. WHAT?! Thanos, Wanda, everyone would be cut in half or at least 'appropriately', and/or remain in mirror dimension if these guys did 10% of their most powerful stuff half-competently. But nope..

- Quicksilver's obvious superior power to solve so many problems..

- Captain Marvel's amazingly Overly-Powerful powers that would just easily decimate any and all enemy armies EVER in ANYTHING that has to do with Avengers, or even just the same universe..

I am so sick and tired of 'Yeah, but they are not going to use it much/do it that much' - Ryan George's genius makes it fun to listen to, but I am tired of it happening.

The comics are not some kind of second coming, but if they had done just the Dark Phoenix Saga some kind of movie justice, it would be at least something.

In any case, they have hundreds of characters with amazing powers, but they use them SO SPARINGLY, it is damn ridiculous.

Another similar thing these movies do.. they show us something sublime, then never again.

The intro to this movie, where they battle the weird-looking Sentinels in the future, has REALLY cool things happen with the portals and all, but then.. never again.

If these movies had MORE of those, more of Quicksilver slow-mo scenes, more of slingring-usage, more force usage (and more casual usage, too)..

..they would be about a hundred times better experience.

But we have to destroy any logic and common sense with boring dialogue and cringy non-humor and long monologues and typical movie tropes and misandry and 'the message' and ridiculous, badly written scripts and so on.

I mean, the original story wasn't exactly thrilling (Kitty is not a particularly interesting character in the comics), but this movie makes a complete pig's breakfast of everything. Then Wolverine ends with Mystique instead of Striker? How does that even work or make sense?

It's like.. the rule of cool ruins all logic, but then we can't have 'cool scenes', because they would get in the way of ruining the common sense of the story.

What the F are they smoking in hollyweird?


The Dr. Strange stuff has SO many more examples of this, just by the way.. the 'healing everyone by a time travel spell' thing would be extremely useful in healing people, bringing them back from the dead and so on.

Of course the whole time travel and multiverse stuff means no one has to think about anything, nothing HAS to have any consequences.. HISHE makes a really good point showing why it has become such a horrible mess because of all that, because now Dr. Strange should be able to bring back, fix and heal anything and everything, and get any object and travel easily with portals and sling rings and.. just SO MUCH OP in there.

Not only that, but of course even the original Superman can always turn back time so you can always fix problems before they even happen.. no matter WHAT the problem.

So much OP when you think about anyone's powers, so no one is allowed to ACTUALLY USE their powers the way they would most realistically use them, where it would make sense, and so on.

Heck, I even read a Sergio Aragones comic where Darth Vader 'force-gropes' a woman. Sure, you can call it sexist or whatever, but if you give someone this kind of telekinetic 'touch-power', why can't we see it use in this kind of casual scenario more often, when it's a FACT that people WOULD use it that way in real life, if they had such an ability?

And I am not letting any women off the hook, women are very gropey and touchy-feely when it comes to high-status men - if an average fatso suddenly had this power, I bet 1000 bucks she would use it to force-grope some celebrity men, guaran-friggin'-teed!

Of course I don't mean it should be limited to this kind of pervy stuff, but a force user would realistically use the force for everything! Why walk when you can hover/fly? Why reach for the salt shaker when you can make it fly to your hand.. and so on. EVERYTHING would be so much streamlined, absolutely no one would do anything 'normally' anymore.

Seriously, would you? I wouldn't.


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
