aged very well

and may i add apocalypse as well is a good movie.

much better then the turd sitcoms that marvel had at the time


In my honest opinion, I too agree. I so totally rewatch DofP and Apocalypse anytime (and much more over the years) than to ever rewatch MOST of phase four of the MCU especially with unlikable and annoying "characters" like America Chavez and She-Hulk. She-Hulk is so extremely likeable in the Marvel comic books, just not in that MCU show. So glad many others feel the same way also. The merch of those characters don't even sell at all. Action figures sitting on shelves collecting dust for months/years. There is the reason why all or most X-Men characters sells. They are likable.

And no self-righteous simping jerks on this site will try to convince me (and others on this site also) to change these opinions of mine/ours as seen in countless different MovieChat posts... man, they love to argue. Haha.


Future Past is hands down the most excellent film in the franchise


True. So much re-watchable value. So quotable too...

Charles Xavier: "Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn't mean they're lost forever."

Man, this movie is oh-so good.


"So quotable too..."

Young Magneto's speech at the end is one of the most noteworthy in the English-language cinema


Compared to the MCU of the era it was far superior. And it still is.

I mean it would be wouldnt it , the cast (OG Xmen meets new), the original X1/2 director, the plot (adapted from the excellent DOFP comic) it was all 'first class'

And Apocalypse while inferior to DOFP isn't as bad as everyone made out .. Great villain, great action set pieces, Great Fassbender performance, awesome Wolverine scene, going back to Alkali Lake .. (Dark Phoenix was awful tho)
