What did Raven do with Wolvie?

At the end, we see Raven was posing as Striker, and she said she'd would take Logan. Did she just let him go? I can't imagine her taking him to be experimented on...


It was ignored in the sequel, in which the real Striker has him


So we're just to assume that sometime between the end of that film and Apocalypse he was (re/)captured anyway? Kind of makes him being Raven a bit pointless...


Yeah, Oscar. I agree. They really should've followed up on that bit of Raven being Striker. I really don't get why they didn't. They still could've just had a line from Professor X saying, "Raven rescued that guy Logan who helped us but he got captured later by Striker anyway. But I feel I can't interfere or his future with us won't exist."


There are various story threads that are dropped or ignored throughout these movies. To me, that's part of their charm.


Probably all kinds of perverse things that we don't want to know about.
