Seriously, I hate saunas! I cant breath in them and can last about 4minutes max in them! I mean dont get me wrong, the movie looks terrible as hell and is going straight to DVD, but that wont be why I wont see it!...Saunas man...scary as any ghost movie!
You don't know what you are talking about, saunas are awesome. While being locked into one will definately suck in the long run, it is perfectly survivable for a very, very extended period of time.
The kids in this movie were for the most part, clueless. Panicked when they needed to keep their heads cool. They did one thing right, and that was to break the glass window. Other than that, everything they did themselves directly produced and lead to the tragedy that ultimately befell them.
What they didn't adress was that heat moves upwards. Even if in the hottest of saunas, the floor level isn't much warmer than room temperature. If they after breaking the window, had just laid down on the floor and stayed there, they would all have walked out when Wade found them the day after. (Heartbreaking end btw, he didn't deserve that).
They wouldn't be able to walk in a straight line mind you, but they have would have walked out none the less.
Plus all they needed to do was break up the bench, use a piece of from it to reach and knock the ladder off the door.
That would probably be a hell of a lot easier said that done.
That ladder looked wedged sufficiently hard that moving it with a plank, which would be held directly above the ladder, in an aloft position relative to your center of gravity, with one wrist, giving you minimum strenght to manouvre with; would be pretty much impossible.
Also, the physical activity and ensuing internal heat production that would come from breaking up the bench would sap you of strenght and endurance pretty damn quickly. No offense, but that idea is no less stupid than any of the things they actually did.
The thing to keep in mind is that in the case we see in this movie, there is no way to open the door from the inside. None. Every single attempt to force it open, will do nothing but hasten ones demise.
No, lying still on the floor and waiting it out would have been the best course of action. The only one de facto guaranteeing survival for all.
No, I am pretty sure the bench idea would work. We only got a quick glimpse of it, but it looked like it was just boards nailed together. It would easy for them to pull a plank of wood from the top. Yeah, swinging it with one wrist would be tough, but they would just need to move the ladder an inch or two to give wiggle room to the door. One person could swing the wood while the other person pulled and pushed the door back and forth. A few collisions between the swinging board and ladder should make it give enough to get the door open at least a few inches for someone to squeeze out and remove it by hand.
Due to the angles involved, you can only apply force the sides of the ladder. Not a lot of pressure is required to move it, but it must be applied from below, which is impossible from their position.
Given the how the ladder is wedged, it is unlikely they would be able to muster enough sideways pressure to move it even as much as a fraction of an inch. Even if they could, there would be no way to wiggle it loose with the door, as it would instantly re-wedge itself.
All they would end up doing would be exerting themselves and thus hastening their demise, hoping that their appraoch eventually would work.