Please, ruin the ending for me.
I just dont want to have to watch the whole thing. Just tell me what happens.
I like guns, slasher movies, and more guns.
I just dont want to have to watch the whole thing. Just tell me what happens.
I like guns, slasher movies, and more guns.
brunette dude gets drunk, leaves the sauna and knocks a ladder over in front of the door
brunette girl freaks out, scout gets really dramatic
blonde guy eventually flips out and dies
old dude finds them and the girls live. the drunk guy feels bad.
the end.
"i accept chaos. i'm not sure if it accepts me."
--b. dylan
LOLOL, ok I personally thought it was worth more detail than that. Not sure where you left off but after the dark hair guy left the ladder in front of the sauna door accidentally in his drunken stupor, he went off and fell asleep. When he got up he thought his friends went to the party without him. one girl ends up breaking the thermostat thereby causing the heat to rise. The blonde guy, pissed off after he told her not to break it, has a temper tantrum and goes apesh!t on the heater elemnt. He ends up causing a minor explosion that kills him and now there is a gas leak inside the sauna. As the two girls are slowly suffocating. The dark hair guy is stoned and falls asleep on the couch. The owner of the place goes there and finds the girls inside the sauna. The two girls are hauled off in an ambulance and dark haired guy is crying.
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Wow, thank god i skipped it. Sounds like a whole bunch of nothing.
I like guns, slasher movies, and more guns.
These people are having fun on your expenses, here is what REALLY happens:
The dog and the bearded-stoned-bad-sauna-designer-and-keeper-blond-man were both possessed by an ancient uber evil spirit that happens to like fireworks a lot, and shows up every now-and-then at festivities to terrorize the hormone-driven young that pululate at such occasions.
In this one instance, the demonic entity walks erect wearing the body of the dog, which locks the saune using the body of the drunk dude, which it turns to stone, so this stoned stone keeps the door in place for eternity.
At the end when the Big Crunch is beggining, the used-to-take-her-meds-but-not-today girl says:
"Why is it so hot suddenly?"
That´s when the bearded-bad-sauna-keeper shows up with a rusty axe and barks.
The movie ends with a black screen and the female characters screaming and the stuck-with-two-hot-girls guy shouting for them to shut up.
What kind of movie are you?
Hey keyser_soze_smokes- Your version is much better then this plate of CRAP!
Was it just an excuse to have a couple of hot chicks (in sexy outfits) sweating the entire time? And one hunk thrown in for the girls watching?