Stupid phrasing

The narrator says "The government did not count Hispanics in the army..." Probably they mean they did not separate them out, but why phrase it this way? Some of the less savvy are going to conclude that the meaning is that they were not counted at all. A stupid mistake that just increases racial tension. Does nobody edit these things?


Other missteps:

1. In all the discussion of the My Lai massacre, not one mention of General William Westmoreland, despite the fact that at the time the story broke his name was in the news every single day.

2. Discussing the flagging amount of interest in the war, they play in the background the main lyric from the song "The thrill is gone". Lamely way too on the nose. Song is from 1951 and thus out of period anyway.


If you experience "racial tension" from something that minor, you must be desperately looking and scanning for it everywhere. Why even bring it up???( to a post made long, long ago).


I love irony.

you must be desperately looking and scanning for it everywhere. Why even bring it up???


Not at all . I'm watching the series. Not many comments there. Saw a stupid one and wrote a reply. But you saw "racial tension" and jumped in. Irony, exactly.


Fortunately I know what to do with karen-style comments.
