The picnic pie

Season 2 for the US, not sure which season for the UK.

Kimberly made one with raw meat and it fell apart... Ruby made a vegetarian version.

I have been dying to make this since i saw the episode. I made something similar to Ruby's version with an all veggie stuffing. But i didn't really want to eat all that pie crust so i used a whole wheat bread dough. So basically i made a veggie calzone and baked it in a loaf pan.

It came out pretty good. I did the layers and when i cut slices you could definitely see each individual layers. It would make a great presentation for a party. The only issue is that it's so large you really have to eat it with a fork off a plate. I don't really see this as a picnic item.

The flavors came out really well, so i think that if/when i make this again, i will do it as a regular calzone and bake it free form on a cookie sheet. It won't be as pretty inside but it will be easier to eat.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.
