Why the title change?

On PBS here in the US, the show is called "The Great British Baking Show" but the title of the episodes I've watched on YouTube and the title on the BBC is "The Great British Bake Off". Does anyone know why the title is changed when it airs here? Everything else about the show is apparently a straight-up copy of the original from the BBC so it doesn't make sense that the title would be a copyright issue (or whatever causes them to change it). I'm just curious.


I don't get the title change either although this isn't the first time it's happened. The UK detective show Lewis is called Inspector Lewis in the US. I think they did that to connect it to Inspector Morse. One other change in The Great British Bake Off which won't surprise anyone who watches UK shows on PBS is the shows are cut. Not any of the baking scenes though. From watching them on YT, I noticed that most, if not all, the shows have a little segment in the middle about either the signature bake or the technical bake, like the history of it or how it was invented or why it's important to their country or something like that and it's hosted by either Sue or Mel. The first season (actually season 5 of the show) that PBS showed last year did not have these segments at all. I've noticed that this year while PBS is showing season 4, they show parts of these segments after the show has ended. It's not the complete segment and I don't know if showing them is an individual station choice or if all the PBS stations show them. I will never understand the need for PBS to continually cut the UK programs they show us. If they really need to get their "commercials" in, then extend the length of the show!


I read somewhere that Pillsbury owns the rights/a trademark on the term "bake-off" for a cooking competition, so they had to change the title in the US to avoid any conflicts or confusion with the Pillsbury competition. Otherwise, I expect they would have used the same title. :)
